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Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Growing in Experience

Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants


hi everyone, 

my golf ball plants have been doing well for a few years with minimal and recently some of them have developed black spots and one of them is dying. What can I do? I am based in Sydney and there are lots of rain lately. 
the soil is standard garden mix. 
what can I do to save the plants and stop the black spots from spreading?

much thanks!! 




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Hello @mtan5586


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about your golf ball plants.


I'm sorry to hear your golf ball hedge is not doing well. Would it be possible for you to take a closer photo of the top and bottom parts of the leaves? Can you also please include a picture of the base near the roots. This will give our members a chance to assess the condition of your hedge. The more information we have the better we can make our diagnosis. We can then make recommendations on how to help your plant recover.


Have you been putting in new garden soil mix directly onto the base of the plant or have you been spreading it around? Have you applied any fertilizer to the hedge? Are there any other plants in the vicinity that has been experiencing the same symptoms? Have you planted anything close to the hedge recently? Any other extra information you can share would be much appreciated.   


We look forward to seeing the photos.




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Growing in Experience

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Thanks for your reply  @EricL ! 
No new garden soil or fertiliser since we plant them 2-3 years ago. 
There are around 20 of them and it is spreading. 
it is a black film stuff, seems to come off if I try to run it. 
is it sooty mould? Should I get rid of the black stuff before I apply any chemicals?




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Hi @mtan5586,


It sounds like you're on the money there, and this is a classic case of sooty mould. Sooty mould results from a sap-sucking insect infestation, and it feeds off their excreted honeydew. The insects will either be aphids, scale, whitefly, mealybugs and mites. You need to address the insect problem, and once you have done so, the sooty mould will dry up and flake off the leaves. 


I'd suggest you thoroughly coat the plant's leaves, including under them, and the branch understructure with Eco-oil. Since this is a reasonably aggressive infestation, you might need to do a couple of oil applications two weeks apart. I'd recommend you get yourself the concentrate and a sprayer and apply the oil to the affected plants and those adjacent to them.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

@mtan5586  With those extra photos you posted, it looks like Sooty Mould which is caused by Scale Insects. Treatment for Scale, you can use a Insecticidal Oil like Eco Neem Oil or Pest Oil.

But also Pittosporum species can NOT tolerate wet feet, over watering, heaps of rain. They need to be growing in a really good well draining soil. Hopefully this will help you 😊

Finding My Feet

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

I had this problem in them a couple of seasons back. Then the European Wasps were coming for the mites. Nothing seemed to help. Ended up getting the pest guy who sprayed, got rid of everything, including the wasps, which had come to graze.  Saved my little shrubs. Good luck. 

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Hello @Enelramsnibbor1


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Thank you for joining the discussion.


It's good to hear that you got the scale infestation under control. Should you need a hand with a home or garden project, please let us know. 




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Growing in Experience

help,what is wrong with my golf ball pittosporum?they are dying out





 hi experts, what is wrong with my golf balls ? They are slowing dying out. and how can I bring them back to good health again? I do have Eco Oil. Do I need something more suitable ? 

Growing in Experience

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Thank you everyone! It was good after your suggestion and looks like I have issues with them again.. this time it looks like this 



 what should I do ? Much thanks !  

Community Megastar

Re: help,what is wrong with my golf ball pittosporum?they are dying out

Good Evening @mtan5586 

Woooo my knowledge level for this one is a little out :smile: Liquid ambers, Crepe myrtles and jacaranders yes but sadly not for golf ball pittosorum's. I would

wait for one of the others to get back online. Some of the guys are having to deal with the weather and power issues around Brisbane way so hopefully will be back later on or tomnorrow. @MitchellMc , @JacobZ 

Does it appear to be individual plants dying back or are there a few plants in the area exibiting signs of stess?



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