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Best lawn seed?

Just Starting Out

Best lawn seed?







Thinking I might need to use lawn seed to fit up the patches in our lawn. Patches caused by kids playing soccer and spraying big patches of clover, which in hindsight maybe I should have just left there because now it looks terrible.


Was hoping the grass would spread into the patches, but is that hoping for too much?


Bonus points if you can identify the types of grass we already have! Some is Santa Anna couch which we transplanted from family. My dad always just had couch grass but maybe it’s not realistic to hope for only one type of grass growing? 

We live in Adelaide.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Best lawn seed?

Hello @liz11


Thanks for sharing your question about which lawn seed to use for lawn patching. Using lawn seeds to patch up the lawn is definitely an option, however, grass from seeds takes about 4 weeks to grow, I'm just worried that soccer play will damage the young tender leaves of the lawn. If you do use seeds to recover your lawn, I suggest finding another area to play soccer while the turf recovers.


If you are after tough grass for rough play, I suggest using Garden Basics 1kg Tough And Hardy Lawn Seed. However, if you want a finely mixed variant you have the option of using Garden Basics 1kg Lawn Repair Lawn Seed And Fertiliser.


Another option is to use Sir Walter 0.5m² DNA Certified Soft Leaf Buffalo Turf Slab. It will probably take the same amount of time for the turf to establish itself, but it will cover your patches immediately.  


In reference to the type of grass that you have, I suggest having a look at this discussion - What are these varieties of grass? by @SpiderPig


Here is a handy step-by-step guide: How to lay turf


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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