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Are my cucumbers flowering too early?

Cultivating a Following

Are my cucumbers flowering too early?

I bought 4 Lebanese cucumber seedlings about 2 months ago from Bunnings and planted 2 on the ground and 1 in a pot. Noticed they have all started to flower and even had little cucumbers forming. It doesn't look right to flower at this stage when the plants are less than 6 inches tall. Even the seedling in the original pot seems stunted and also flowering. What seems to be the problem? Anyone can share some advise please?




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cucumbers Flowering Too Early

Hi @jenahakchew 


I would approximate anywhere from 12 to 18 weeks if the fruit starts to bear after flowering. I propose building a mesh cover to protect it from predatory animals at night.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: Cucumbers Flowering Too Early

I think about 12 weeks from sowing seed. I planted my rockmelons on 14 October and they sprouted after around 9 days. Looked roughly like the one in your photo within a week and this is them today in the smaller raised bed.  They are flowering but only male flowers at the moment.


Regarding  the cucumbers, mine went in on the same day as the rockmelons. They're only 6 weeks from seed and they are also flowering. Even have a couple female flowers in there. Going to hand pollinate them tomorrow. Expecting to get first harvest within 2 weeks. Last year mine fruited fast to and they kept growing  and fruiting for a long time. Cucumber are indestructible I think. Give them something to climb and they pull themselves up.




Getting Established

Re: Are my cucumbers flowering too early?

Hi @jenahakchew. A lot of growth happens in a few weeks with cucumbers and rockmelons. Have you got any updates and pics to share? I'm keen to see how it's progressing.

Cultivating a Following

Re: Are my cucumbers flowering too early?

Hi @smokey1507





just to update. Out of 4 cucumbers planted out in the garden only 1 seems doing well and bearing my first cucumber. The others were planted out later and seems slow to catchup(maybe stunted for being too long in seedling pot?). A few of the suspected rock melon seedlings are growing well.. looking at the big leaves now wonder if they're rock melons.. maybe you might be able to tell as you have rock melon plants in your garden. Will keep you posted. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Are my cucumbers flowering too early?

Hello @jenahakchew 


Thank you so much for that update, the cucumber looks great, I hope you get more cucumbers from your plants.




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