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What's the best thing you've ever made?

Community Manager
Community Manager

What's the best thing you've ever made?

At Workshop we love to encourage everyone to have a go, and to celebrate a successful project. 


We're keen to hear from you about the best thing you've ever made. 


Don't be shy, even if you're a beginner in the world of D.I.Y. you can be proud of what you've achieved.


Thanks for sharing.





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Making a Splash

Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

Sadly I don't think I have actually built anything myself (Hubby does all that sort of stuff) but below is a picture of one of the best things I ever made - a cheesecake with toffee shards for Christmas Day 2015.


Cheesecake with toffee shards.jpg



Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

I think I've posted about my arcade machine build before, which is a damn close second.


But the best thing probably goes to its close relative, the mini-cade, that I made up as a gift for my best man.  It was a hard one to give away.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

Great work @Mick0s. I still have a cocktail machine on my to-do list. Not sure if I will ever get to it. Maybe you should go into business selling them? :bigsmile:

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Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

Best thing I have ever made. Oh dear .. going to sound "vain" .. everything I have made. Am proud of my achievements (even some of the "failed" ones). hahahaha. I just love "having a go" as we Australians say .. Av-a-go Mate!
I suppose my best .. the silver and costume jewellery I make. Have won some awards for same.
I am a "Jack of all trades" .. especially in the Arts-n-Crafts area. Tried and still do most. too many to mention (being lazy here). Some relaxing - some keep me fit.

Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

Congrats!  I am not a "sweet" maker.  Made packet scones once .. had the best "Rock Cakes" in NSW.     :shocked:

Former Community Member

Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

@BibbyKat, packet scones??? REALLY??? :shocked: :shocked: WHAAAAAT!!!

On the plus side, Rock Cakes are brilliant, & best in NSW is mightily impressive, so I grant you the perpetual award, for innovation, & for thinking outside the box.

So how did you do it, did you leave out the milk, or was it the butter, or was it both? :cheeky:

Amassing an Audience

Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

Check out this - I wish I had made it! Can crusher built into this guy's man cave wall. 




I can't embed the video here - check it out at



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

Made a couple of can crushers, bit bigger than that though.


Made about 100 of these though.


It has changed a bit since I made them 20 years ago.


At home will pick the front gates but they need new hinges now and a paint.

Amassing an Audience

Re: What's the best thing you've ever made?

Nice work @Brad. What profession are you in?



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