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Hello everyone.
Title says it all. I have a Bosch POF 1200 AE plunge router but want to have the ability to setup a portable router table and the Ozito Router Table looks like a good little table for this purpose. Would a Trim Router be the most convenient router to use with this router table or what type of router would you all suggest, or I guess I should be asking what brand/type of router will fit this table. About 20 mm would be the largest I would need to route using this table and in particular I would be only utlising this setup for dressing timber edging and would hope to be able to use a Flush Trim Router bit would be my preference.
Thanks heaps for the advice. Hopefully have it setup to use this weekend.
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Mal-Aus. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about router tables.
The Ozito 855 x 335mm Router Table uses a clamp system, making it compatible with a variety of routers. While it’s better suited to a trim router due to its size and portability, a full-sized plunge router like your Bosch POF 1200 AE can still be fitted with some adjustments.
For your intended use—dressing timber edging and using a flush trim router bit—a trim router would be the more convenient option. It’s lighter, easier to control, and well-suited for flush trimming tasks. However, if you need to work with larger bits up to 20mm in diameter, a more powerful full-sized router might be beneficial, as trim routers typically have less power and can struggle with larger bits.
If you go with a trim router, ensure it has variable speed control, as this will give you better control over different timber types. Some good options available from Bunnings include the Ozito 850W Trim Router or the Makita 710W Router, both of which should be easy to mount on the table. If you prefer to use your Bosch POF 1200 AE, just check that the clamping system secures it well, and be mindful of its weight and size when making adjustments.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Mitchell many thanks for the reply. Yeah I don't really want to fluff around making changes to things to accommodate my plunge router to the router table to be honest. I would prefer to setup something that I can quickly use when needed that is ready to go. Out of the two trim routers you mentioned which would be the better option for 20 mm work, or I am happy to look at another recommendation for this type of work. I am just cautious because I have read a lot of posts relating to router tables and the fact that a lot of routers don't either fit or are not suitable to use as a router for a table on a more permanent basis. Thanks for your input.
Cheers Malcolm.
You can be confident that the Ozito 850W Trim Router will fit the table. However, as mentioned, the table works on a clamping system. These clamps lock the router's base plate to the table's underside. Some router tables require the router to be bolted to the table with the installed holes. This is likely where you are reading about difficulties in mounting as if the holes don't align on these tables a mounting plate might need to be constructed to suit.
Personally, I think it would be worth upgrading to the Makita 710W Router, which will manage with your 20mm work. Though, if you are doing that work for several hours, it might be worth putting on the Bosch as the 1200w machine will allow you to work much faster.
Hi @Mal-Aus
Regarding which router to choose for the table, my recommendation is to consider one with the most power. Unlike using a router or any powertool for that matter hand-held, you get a feeling of how much load you're putting on the tool/motor when working through denser thicker material. Thats because the material is fixed and you're holding the tool. With a table mounted router it's the other way around. The tool is fixed and the material is being pushed through. Consequently you can easily and unknowingly over load the motor with larger, thicker and denser stock.
So, to @MitchellMc recommendation for that Bosch model would be what I would be getting if you can stretch the budget. But if not, my 2nd choice would be the Makita. Though it appears to be down on power to the Ozito, being a full trade model, the motor will be far more efficient over DIY of slightly higher power.
Plus just as importantly, a trade model will be easier to make adjustments when mounted vertically, especially when you have to push the tool up from the bottom and lock it in place all against its plunge spring and body weight. And of course the motor will be smoother and last longer. This would be the case with any of the trade models.
Thanks for that @Nailbag. That is what I wanted to avoid was having to fluff around with the plunge side of things using the router with the table. Sounds like you are saying the Makita has the same feature as my Bosch, unless I am missing something or not understanding what you are meaning? So I am guessing it would be the Ozito Router that Mitchell has recommended due to the compatibility with the same branded router table to be on the safe side. I won't be flogging it and the lengths of timber aren't very long to square up, probably only 250 x 90 mm.
Cheers Malcolm.
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