Hello, anyone have any suggestions as to what I could do to seal the bottom of the shed walls? Sand and debris keep coming in and building up. It is a metal shed with a concrete slab, the walls are also staying to rust at the bottom.
Community manager's note: Check out How to waterproof a shed floor for expert advice.
Many thanks Mitchell for your reply, Very clear indeed. How do i go out removing concrete without impacting the rim?
Hi @Sath
I suggest using a Kango Masonry Bit to drill into the concrete if you don't want to harm the rim. Upon reaching the aluminium rim you simply use a standard steel bit rated for cutting into steel.
My number one tip is to make sure to drill in a flat horizontal angle. If the angle is wrong, water will not seep out of the channel. One other method you can try is to use a larger drill bit allowing you to slightly swivel the drill to make a larger hole in the concrete.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
Hi jjebw
There are far more experienced people in the Workshop Comminity, but as a rust inhibitor I've always found WD40 or spray on fish oil great for the job.
As for the sand and dirt ... if it's coming in from under the walls, try running a thick band of silicone or gap filler around the outside edges on the floor.
Good luck!
Congratulations jjebw
That's turned into a great space!
After my previous post I wondered if the sand coming in is beach sand? If so it will have salt in it. If so the salt is likely to be causing the rust. So maybe painting the shed with anti-rust paint might be needed. Your local Bunnings guru's will be the best ones to help you with that as they'll be familiar with similar environmental related problems and how to best deal with them.
Good luck!
Hi MarcinW
I come from a very wet climate. How about deflecting the water run off before it can run down the walls? Maybe run some galvanised sheeting from under the house eves to the other side of the shed apex.
@EricL @MitchellMc Working away with your suggestions, the leaks from the side panels have stopped. Tested with the rains
Now the shed doors are showing similar leaks, that is the channels collect water on the inside and starts pouring inside when it rains hard. See pics. How do i drain this?
Also there is a gap at the below the doors, Should i put a rubber seal ? inside of the shed door where it pours out of the channel
outside of the shed door
Hello @Sath
I believe that the moss and mould collecting in the channel has created a seal between the drain channels. This in turn now prevents water from draining out. I suggest washing the channels with 30 Seconds 1L Outdoor Cleaner Spray. Wash the door channel vigorously with your garden hose.
Once the channel has opened up, I suggest drilling a drain point on the door just as you did on the side channels of your shed. This should prevent water from gathering in it.
In regards to the rubber seal, I suggest having a look at the Moroday Rubber Seals in the store and see which one suits your needs.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
How much can you roughly do with one tube
Hello @CorinneW
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us.
Are you referring to the Sika 300ml White Sikaflex 11FC Plus Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant? If you are applying it to the bottom channels of the shed, I would conservatively estimate that it will cover at least a little over half a meter depending on depth and distribution of the adhesive.
If you are applying it to another section and in another manner, please let me know and I'll do my best to give you a better estimate.
If you need further assistance, please let me know.
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