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How to paint vinyl seat covers?

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How to paint vinyl seat covers?




Hi there! Thanks for this forum. 

We have vinyl seat covers in a camper van that are worn and there is some peeling of the existing vinyl (no cracking however). Is there a product you could recommend to paint these with? It is a seat cover so we’d want a paint product that would bind well with it. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Paint vinyl seat covers

Hello @arwenradha 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your vinyl seat covers.


I'm sorry, but I am currently not aware of a product that you can paint over vinyl seat covers to repair it.  Vinyl seat covers are very flexible and can endure a lot of punishment, but eventually UV exposure deteriorates the surface causing cracking and peeling. If you are after a temporary cover, I suggest using MyCar Faux Fur Seat Covers Universal Black. But at some point in the future, the seat will need to be reupholstered. 


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to paint vinyl seat covers?

Hi @arwenradha 


Most auto shops have a range of Vinyl spray paint colours to choose from like this one. However, seat covers is a great suggestion and the easiest solution by @EricL and will provide a physical protection to the well worn ones.



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