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Ceiling trouble

We have had to scrape the paint and a heap of plaster off the garage ceiling. It was in bad shape- just been Hodges up over the years befire we bought it. To get it smooth again I will have to plaster. Does anyone know if plaster will adhere to the cardboardy stuff on the outside of the gyprock or should I coat it with PSU first?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.☺️

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Ceiling trouble

Hi @rachelfoley,


Sorry that you haven't had a response to this question as yet. Let me tag some of our experienced community members for you. I'm sure that they will be happy to assist if they can.




Thanks for your patience!




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Re: Ceiling trouble



Plasterboard is relatively cheap. Eg https://www.bunnings.com.au/gyprock-csr-3000-x-1350mm-10mm-4-05sqm-wall-plasterboard-re_p0730134


Have you thought about just replacing the damaged boards? Might be a lot quicker and easier than trying to repair them. 


Also, a photo might help you get better quality responses so everyone can see what you are up against.



Workshop Legend

Re: Ceiling trouble

Hi @rachelfoley & welcome.

Okay, a wee bit confused...
So when you say that you removed the plaster... there was plaster over the gyprock/plasterboard? That's sort of unusual as normally gyprock is just skim coated on the joints etc, sealed & then painted.
You need to replaster & again I'm not quite sure what the situation is but normally you wouldn't plaster over gyprock, just skim coat etc to get it consistent.
Maybe a photo or two so we can get a better idea of what you are facing?
The right plaster will adhere to the paper on gyprock but can be a bit tricky working on the ceiling.

p.s. - just seen @MartyH post & his point is a good one - sometimes replacement makes a lot more sense time & money wise than repair...

Re: Ceiling trouble

A picture would sure be handy. But I'm with Marty on this one. Replace and replaster.

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