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Hey all, I've been spring cleaning in the garage and have a bunch of tools that have seen better days. What's the best way to clean them up and get rid of rust?
Hi all,
There's another discussion on this topic that was kicked off by @Super_D that community members should find useful - To remove rust from tools without using caustic chemicals
Same the idea is very good 😃I love it
Welcome to the Workshop community @al1.
It's fantastic to see you have an interest in restoring rusty tools. Do you have any tools you would like to try bringing back to life?
The Workshop community is full of wonderfully helpful community members just waiting to assist and sharing their own projects here daily. We'd encourage you to start a new discussion if you have something to share also. I'm sure our members would like to see this rust removal process first hand.
If you need any assistance getting the most out of the site or have questions, please let me know.
An old engineer taught me to clean up the rust on a bench grinder with a round wire brush. Once clean drop it into vinegar and salt until further showing it is clean or do the above in reverse. Once clean drop it into a bowl of light oil and leave for two weeks. Remove from oil and hang it up outside in the weather for the sun to heat it up and dry out the excess oil. Remove after three weeks and wipe any excess oil so it is clean to use. The oil will prevent further rusting.
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @crackles2. It's great to have you join us, and many thanks for jumping into the discussion.
That sounds like a fantastic way of restoring tools. I'd be interested to know why hanging the tools up in the sun is required; perhaps it bakes the oil into the surface.
We look forward to hearing all about the plans and projects you have around your house and garden and would encourage you to let us know anytime you need assistance or have something to share. I'm sure you'll find loads of inspiration within the community as our clever and creative members contribute their projects here all the time.
G'day I've been in the tool restoration business for quite sometime and from what I've found best it to soak your tools in a bucket of vinegar or coke. Anything with a high ph level is best at removing rust from your tool. Hope this helps
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Bighandyandy78. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for jumping into the discussion.
I trust our members find your suggestion helpful. I've heard of using vinegar or coke, but haven't tried it myself. Do you have any pictures of the tools after they've been cleaned? I'd be keen to see some examples of how well they come up and if further restoration is then needed.
Many thanks for sharing and we look forward to hearing more about your process.
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