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Training climbers to screen a fence

Having an Impact
Having an Impact


This simple project uses Star Jasmine and cable to train the plant to cover a Colorbond fence. It has inspired many Bunnings Workshop members to create living screening solutions.





The project


Easy little project at my brother-in-law's place. Took about 5 hours and cost less than $100 to cover 10m of fence: plants $68, wire $20, screws $8.50.


Really makes a difference.


The fence is all you can see from one of the bedroom windows, so it needed something to make it less bland. However the fence is very close to the house so we wanted to do something that wouldn't take up too much space.


I planted Chinese Jasmine Star because I know they work well in the climate and grow really fast. Added bonus they have a pretty white flower in spring. They were only $5 each too so no complaints.


I used a roll of stainless steel cable around 3mm diameter. Ordinary fencing wire would also work. I also used some small type 17 self tapping roofing screws.


To get the cable to tighten, I wound it around the screws in a clockwise direction so that as the screws tighten down they grab the cable and pull it tight. 


I made a quick video with a time lapse camera just for fun. 



Tools and materials



  • Tape measure
  • Pen or marker
  • Battery powered drill or screwdriver
  • Correct drive piece for your chosen screws
  • Cable cutters
  • Gardening spade.



  • Cable or wire
  • Screws (make sure the screw head is wide enough to clamp your wire)
  • Climbing plants (species dependant on your climate and personal preference)
  • 4-5 hours of you precious time.


How to


1. Measure and plan


FLSH8RMJF8IU6TR.jpegMeasure your fence panels so you can work out the layout of the trellis.


Sketch your fence panels on a piece of grid paper and work out what you want it to look like. From your sketch you can work out the dimensions you need the cables to work to. When sketching think about how far apart you want your plants to be and how many you want to plant.


I decided on a simple diagonal checker pattern because it fitted the look I was after and suited the size of my fence panels.


Note: Depending on your climate these metal fences can get really hot in the sun, here in Australia a dark coloured metal fence will burn your skin if it’s in full sun. If there wasn’t something on the other side of the fence shading it, I wouldn’t be planting this close to it as it will also burn the plants.


2. Mark out


Take the edge dimensions from your sketch and mark them onto the fence panel, this will tell you where to put screws. Put a screw into the fence at each mark, but don’t wind it right in just yet, leave enough room under the screw head to wind the cable around it.


3. Fit cables


Now the fun bit, thread your cable around the screw heads and do them up as you go to help with the tensioning of the cable. It doesn’t matter how many times you stop and start your cables, the pattern I did was possible with a single length of cable so there is only one termination. When you get to the end point, screw it off and cut the cable nice and close to the screw head.


Tip: Wind the cable around the screws in a clockwise direction, that way it will tighten the cable for you as you wind the screw in.


4. Plant


Select a climbing plant that you want to use for this project and plant them at your chosen interval depending on your design.


I have planted Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) because they suit the local climate, grow fast and have a really nice flower in spring. There are myriads of climbing plants to choose from.


Once you’ve planted it out, train the runners up the cables. You will need to continue to do this down the track if you want the plants to follow the trellis neatly.


Water the plants and throw some mulch around them to keep the moisture in. Train the vines on the cables, and in a few months your fence will look a million bucks.


Before and after





Growing in Experience

It’s  beautiful. My only concern is that the screws make hole in the fence so you can’t remove them in the future. Is there a glue that can be used instead?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hello @far213


Let me tag @royq to make them aware of your kind words and question. When you've decided to remove the wire on your fence, I imagine removing the wires but putting the screws back into the holes to cover them. You can even colour the heads in the same colour so they blend in. In regards to the glue, I'm afraid they will not hold the wire because they're under tension. It will be necessary to use screws to hold them in place. 


If you ever decide to give this project a go, please make sure to post an update. I'm sure our members would be keen to see your take on the wireframe for your climbers.




Growing in Experience

Do you think  I can use Gorilla glue to glue the screws on the shed instead of making holes in it? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @far213,


Glue would not be suitable for this project, and I'd suggest screwing into the structure. What were your concerns in regard to screwing into the fence?




Growing in Experience

Thanks for the reply. That’s good to know. My concern was that I didn’t want to make holes by screws on the shed but looks like there is no other option. It will look amazing in the end. 

Just Starting Out

Hi @royq love this project and hoping to replicate this weekend. Totally rookie here - could you let me know the exact screws and wire you used? Cheers

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi @cloudy25,


First, let me welcome you to the Bunnings Workshop community! It is awesome you have joined and are interested in creating a fantastic project of your own like @royq's.


In the original discussion thread Climbers to dress up Colorbond fence, @MitchellMc gave a suggestion to a similar question: From the video, it appears he (royq) is using Tek screws to attach the wires to the fence. These Buildex Metal C4 Hexhead No Seal Tek Screws 10g x 16 mm Shale Grey would be similar to what he used. The screws are placed in the fence and the wire is wrapped around their heads. When Mitch is back online on Friday and I am sure he can give a suggestion as to which wire would work best.


We would love to see what you create in your backyard, please share with the community when completed with your journey.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @cloudy25,


It's great that @KatieC has already provided my recommendation for the screws. I suggest Whites 1.60mm x 15m Stainless Steel 304 Grade Tie Wire for the wire. It would be perfect for this project, and I use it extensively around my home for training vines.


Please let me know if you have further questions.




Just Starting Out

What about using PVC Green tie wire instead of the stainless steel 304 grade?


Im just thinking it’s cheaper and blends in better. But any problems with this?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @mcgregor17. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about tie wire.


You can certainly use Jack 1.60mm x 20m Green PVC Coated Tie Wire. The 1.6mm thickness would be suitable to hold even a heavy vine, and the galvanised core and PVC coating will prevent it from rusting.


I can't see any issues with you using this product.


Please keep us updated on your project and reach out again if you have further questions. I'll be looking forward to seeing your results.




Just Starting Out

Any recommendations for the right type of nails to use with a standard wooden fence and the cable option? Going to give this a go... My fence is an eyesore atm 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hello @Sean_M, 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Thanks for joining the discussion.


If you are planning to mount the cable onto a timber fence, I suggest using Buildex 10-12 x 25mm Climaseal Hex Head Timber Screws - 50 Pack or similar. These are galvanized screws that have larger threads for gripping into timber and the hex head provides an excellent holder for the cable.  


In regards to the cable, I recommend using Jack 1.60mm x 15m Stainless Steel 304 Grade Tie Wire or Jack 1.60mm x 20m Green PVC Coated Tie Wire. Both are rated for outdoor use and are easy to bend into shape.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




Getting Established

Just looking into this as a project also, is there a pattern/process for creating the check pattern on the fence? as in using only one wire like the above? a little confused on where to start the process to create the pattern



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @Sn0wy


I've had a bit of a play, and it appears that you can start at any position; by nature, you return to the starting position. Have a look at the image below and see if you can follow the green line.


Please let me know if you have any questions.






Getting Established

@MitchellMc great stuff thank you!

Just Starting Out

@EricL what's your thought about using something like this :


instead of drilling in the fence, it is a joint fence with the neighbours and I don't think they would approve drilling.


Many thanks,

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hello @Zizou 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us.


Technically the short screws you use on the fence are attached to the post as well as the top and bottom rail. This means that they will not be visible on the other side of the fence. If you are worried about that, there is no need to as they are hidden inside the structure of the post and caps of the fence.


Unfortunately, the black magnetic hooks can't be used as they will not be able to hold the tension in the wires and will get pulled off.


If you need further assistance, please let me know.




Just Starting Out

Hi team, 


Do you think this would be suitable to hold and support a passionfruit vine? If not what would work best? 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hello @Jcapelinha 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us.


It's possible that the training wire will be able to hold the weight of the passionfruit plant. But I suspect there will not be enough hanging wire space to to hold extended growth. I suggest swapping the single wire with either the RapidMesh 180 x 120cm 100 x 100 x 5mm Silver Wire Mesh Panel or the Jack 1800 x 1050 x 5mm Light Duty Reo Mesh


These should be strong enough to hold the passion fruit branches even if the plant gets overloaded with fruit. My best advice is to mount the wire mesh with space at the back. This will allow the plant to grow and expand without getting pressed against the Colorbond fence.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let me know.




Just Starting Out

Thanks @EricL 


What would you suggest to mount the mesh while leaving a gap between the vibe & the fence? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @Jcapelinha,


You might like to create a timber frame around the Colorbond panel and fix it with metal screws. Your mesh can then be installed onto the frame with fixing clips. The frame will provide the thickness to hold the mesh away from the fence panel.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




Just Starting Out

Just a clue for you about attaching climbers directly to fences. The climber eventually gets so heavy that it can pull the fence over. Also the climber can grow between the panels and posts and prise the fence apart. Also the fence panels rust at the screw holes — ugly!! One solution is to NOT attach wires directly to the fence. Or walls too.

USE STAR PICKETS, the galvanised ones, and galvanised or stainless steel wires. About 30 cm from the fence or wall. Once the climber covers the structure you don’t see the star pickets. OK it costs more, but it’s cheaper in the long run!!

ALSO DON’T USE ORDINARY JASMINE: it is out of control after 12 months. As the article suggests, Chinese Star Jasmine is great. Also passion fruit. Also espaliered plum or citrus trees. 

Cheers, Davebro.

Just Starting Out

Thanks for this post. I followed the instructions, tips from other questions, it all helped. Today I put up the wire frame and planted the chinese star jasmine plants. It looks great, I am looking forward to nights of winding the vines.


Don't judge me, but a rough sketchDon't judge me, but a rough sketchWire frame doneWire frame doneSmall gap behind tek screwSmall gap behind tek screwJob doneJob doneChinese Star JasmineChinese Star Jasmine

Community Manager
Community Manager

Great job @hayunit. It's fantastic to see this popular project continue to inspire so many people. 


Let me extend a very warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. We're really pleased to have you join us and look forward to reading about more of your projects and plans in the future. Please feel free to post whenever you need a hand or have a project to share.




Just Starting Out

I already have silver falls planted and trying to grow up my fence do you think with the wire the silver falls would have the same affect? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @beebee0085. It's fantastic to have you join us nd many thanks for your questions about training plants. 


As the name suggests, this plant prefers to fall downward rather than grow upwards. You might be better off installing trough planters at the top of the fence with it in them and allowing it to drape down the fence. Even if you did that, I don't believe it would follow the cables as it's not a vine as such.


Please let me know if you have further questions.




Just Starting Out

Hi, I am going to try this project.  Approximately how much wire did you use per fence panel please?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @JBeth,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.

Allow me to tag @royq so they are notified of your question.

Hopefully, they will respond shortly.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @JBeth,

Having reviewed the video and the plans provided, I've calculated that @royq's design uses approximately 15.3m of wire per fence panel.

Let me know if you have any further questions.



Just Starting Out

Hello, I’ve found this article super helpful and inspiring. As someone who has never drilled a screw before, having the link to the exact screws and wires has really helped me. However, which drill bit should I use to drill the screws in the fence? I can’t seem to find the 25mm hex head drill bit. A link to that would be great! 
thank you 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @aayzeem,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.

For either the Buildex 10-12 x 25mm Climaseal Hex Head Timber Screws, which should be used on timber fences, or Buildex Metal C4 HexHead No Seal Tek Screws, which should be used on metal fences, you can use an IRWIN 64mm 5 / 16" Nutsetter Bit to drive the screws.

Let me know if you have any further questions.




Kind of a Big Deal

@celt I was thinking you could do this to your wall because you have such a narrow space. When you get some time, have a read through 😀

Just Starting Out

Hi Everyone! 

I'm new to posting on these discussion threads but I've been lurking and reading the posts for a while.  I wanted to thank everyone for sharing their experience and knowledge here.  I was able to follow the suggestions and make a trellis for jasmine along my Colorbond fence.  I used Buildex Metal C4 Hexhead No Seal Tek Screws 10g and to make the trellis.  I did make a few mistakes:

  • I ended up winding the wire around the screws in the wrong direction - It's def. easier to tighten the wire if they are in the same direction as the screw.
  • I over-tightened the screw and cut the wire - Better to go slowly.
  • I worked under full sun on a 38 degree day - That led to the mistakes above!

20250115_155847[1].jpg  20250115_155900[1].jpg

Not bad for a first try!  Hopefully, the plants will grow to be as lush and beautiful in the coming months.  

Thank you all again!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Well done @Sankari. Love your work! 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. We look forward to seeing what you tackle next. There's certainly plenty of inspiration on the site from our wonderful community members.






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hello @Sankari 


Thank you for sharing pictures of your work. It looks great, please make sure to post an update in a few months so that we can see how much the plants have grown.




Just Starting Out

Hello, will the metal screws rust the colour bond fence?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hello @Fiona6 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us.


If you are using galvanized screws to drill into the Colorbond steel, it will take many years before it starts to rust. The same goes for the Colorbond fence, when it is drilled into the zinc in the coating covers the exposed metal at the edge, protecting it from rust and corrosion.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




Just Starting Out

We completed this on 3 of our Colorbond fence panels. 2 of these have a retaining wood panel at the base so we used stainless eyebolts on the top of these. Rather than screw directly to the fence supports and crossbeams we used 75mm x 50mm brackets, this also meant the wires were away from the fence which can get pretty hot on a sunny day. We have planted 4 x Star Jasmine "Tricolour" and a Black Passionfruit. Each panel was wired seperately (we could have done one long continuous wire but would have required at least one connection. The other advantage of the brackets is that you can thread multiple wires through on the internal uprights. Used the 1.5mm Stainless steel wire rope (50m length), used 2 of these with some leftover because the retaining wood panels reduced the length required for these 2 panels. Located Sunshine Coast.

Wires secured at the base with stainless eye boltsWires secured at the base with stainless eye boltsBrackets used on the top and sidesBrackets used on the top and sides20250222_170351.jpgBrackets attached sideways at the bottom on the third panelBrackets attached sideways at the bottom on the third panel

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hello @milljrh 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us.


Thank you so much for sharing your excellent method of mounting climbing wire to your Colorbond fence. It's advantages all around in regards to your wire technique. The gap will provide adequate space for the plant and prevent it from getting damaged due to the fence steel heat. The tension is not all on the screw as the angle brackets form a stop gap 


If you need further assistance, please let ss know.




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