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Entry table makeover using mosaic tiles

Having an Impact
Having an Impact


Mosaic stone tiles were used to upcycle this timber entry table.



The project


I love adding mosaic stone tiles to pieces of furniture and other decor items. 

I had this old timber entry table that needed a refresh and using a couple of techniques I have learnt, tiling and textured art, I gave this piece of furniture a much needed makeover. 



Step 1


I started by cleaning this piece of furniture with sugar soap to remove any grime. I then scuff-sanded the whole piece using my orbital sander and 120-grit sandpaper to ensure the paint would stick.




Step 2


I then added trim around the table top which will encase the tiles and grout. 

Once cut to size, I secured using Liquid Nails Fast Grab which cures nice and quickly. 

I held these in place with clamps to ensure they adhered. 






Step 3


I then applied the pre-mixed tile adhesive using an adhesive spreader. 


It was then time to lay the tiles. They came in sheets that interlock together. I cut smaller pieces to ensure the tiles went all the way to the edge. This was the fun part. I left this to cure over night prior to grouting.




Step 4


I then needed to mix the grout with water to create a thick texture. Ensure you use the measuring guidelines on the bag. I didn’t have a mixer so I used an old baking attachment and my drill! Sometimes you need to be creative.


It was then time to apply the grout. 

I used this applicator by pushing the grout around in all different directions. These tiles are quite uneven and some gaps were quite large so I needed to make sure there were no air bubbles. I over filled at first then slowing removed the excess. 


I then cleaned the top layer back using a damp sponge. Here you will see if there are any gaps or air bubbles that you can refill if needed.


Once cleaned back I let it set for 24 hours. 


Once dry you can wipe back which a damp sponge again and smooth off any rough patches using sandpaper. 








Step 5


I had some excess grout so decided to add some details to each end of the table. 


I added some paint to give it a smoother texture and applied using a paint brush.


I then added patterns using this adhesive spreader. 







Step 6

I then painted the whole piece. Starting with British Paints primer, then two coats of Porters Paints Aqua Satin Half Wood Smoke. 



Step 7


I then sealed the tiles and grout using white wax. This protects them both from dirt and damage and makes it easier to dust and wipe clean. 




Step 8


I love how this piece came together and had so much fun creating a one of a kind entry table. I want to try this again using different types of tiles on other pieces of furniture. 








Tools and materials

Materials used in the project:



Tools used in the project:



Becoming a Leader

What great techniques to use 🩷 looks really nice and fits with your colour and style where you’ve placed in your home 🩷

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