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Hi there,
Would anyone have an idea on rough coasts on renovating this little area to have more modern vanity (would probably need to go floor up vanity as we would want to keep the tiles) and mirror plus lighting?
Thank you!
Afternoon @Gchip
At the moment I have been trolling through bathroom redesigns/updates as well
Yours wouldnt be hard at all.
Here is a link for a whole range of bathroom vanity that you may like.
I like sitting down with a pencil and paper (actually I have a sketchbook with loads of sketches of projects as they unfold)
This way I gather the measurements that I need, also the pieces of benches that will fit.
For the bathroom vanity you have, check inside it to see if the waterpipes are fixed or on a flexible type hose. If there are fittings you can disconnect yourself then a plumber wont be needed, if its a solid connection then yeah, one will be needed. Ask them to terminate so you can have the fleible sheethed pipes so next time you can do it yourself.
You wont be touching tiles, tick
You will be checking the pipes, tick
Poer points cannot be a certain distance to a sink/tap. I dont know what it is off the top of my head but wouldnt go less then what you have there to be safe., tick
Lighting overhead, something to think about. A single rose or dual, directed lighting.
And now I want to go do mine! lol
Will tag a few others to get some different ideas @TedBear , @Noyade , @DIYGnome
Hello @Gchip
@Dave-1 has provided an excellent link to the Bunnings vanity page. I propose measuring your existing vanity and the actual space available. You can then compare it to the vanities available on the page. Please note that it is possible to get a smaller vanity as the gaps between your wall can be filled with timber filler panels. As to the labour cost of replacing your vanity. I suggest posting the job on Hipages or Airtasker to get a quote.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
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