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Laundry sink options to wash by hand

I was looking at the laundry sink options and could not find what I was looking for. I want to have a sink option where I could wash bits & bobs by hand. Online search has shown some options, which I wanted to know if they are available in the local market.

Your thoughts please...washing_sink.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Laundry sink options to wash by hand

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @angela44. It's fantastic to have you join us, and many thanks for your question.


Were you looking for an exact match to this sink? Or, did you want a sink, like the Everhard 780mm Stainless Steel Classic Square 1TH RH Single Bowl And Drainer that has a bowl on the right and a drainer on the left? The sink pictured has a tiny bowl and a substantial draining section, so I'm not sure if you'll find something all that similar. Let me mention @redracer01 to see if anything comes to mind. Personally, I haven't seen something similar to this on the local market as normally they have a sink that can accommodate large sauce and frypans.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Laundry sink options to wash by hand

Hi @angela44,

Some thoughts, as requested:

The sink you have shown appears to be a kitchen sink, but maybe that is what will suit your needs.  Installing it could however alter your house's resale appeal if that is a factor of concern for the future(?).  

Since washing clothes is usually much more splash-producing and other laundry items are larger than for would be washing dishes, a deeper sink is usually required.

For smaller hand-wash items I use a rectangular plastic bowl that fits nicely over my deeper sink in one direction (the handles stop it dropping in) and it can also be put down into the sink when turned 90 degrees. I have an even smaller bowl that I use beside the sink for very small items.  That way I can wash dirty things down in the sink in any suitable plastic bowl, (including for me, getting the last bits of paint out of a paint brush, without the water going down the drain. I use another container for that job though).

So, for those reasons, I'd recommend considering a more conventional deep laundry sink along with some cheap bowls for washing the small items.


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Laundry sink options to wash by hand

Hello @angela44 


Welcome to Bunnings Workshop. Thank you for sharing your query with the community. I believe you've read @MitchellMc and @TedBear 's suggestions which leaves my one. I usually lean more towards the practical side of things but I can understand your desire to have something that will accommodate your wishes in particular to washing. How badly do you want this? I saw an equivalent online in victoria for 1240 dollars. A bit steep for a laundry tub vanity top. You could custom make it in cement but requires a fair bit of Diy to make it. So to answer your question there's nothing exactly like this in the open market. There are alternatives to it as seen in aforementioned suggestions. Otherwise it will have to be an online purchase. But whatever your choice we look forward to the final outcome of your diy journey.



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