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How to remove shower screen mould?

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How to remove shower screen mould?

Hi, I appreciate this forum and an alternative to asking store staff who are usually busy.

I need to address my shower screen mould which is locked within the glass.

A budget solution please, as I may move soon and the new owner will surely rip the bathroom out and start again.

I'm guessing a new screen and would welcome suggestions.Shower Mould.JPG 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Shower Screen Mould

Hi @477bus,


This is a fairly common issue, and I've never seen someone able to resolve it without replacement. It is mould trapped between the glass laminations. You can't clean it, and it's not possible to get chemicals in there to kill it.


My advice would be to pick up some Boyle 1.5m x 45cm Self Adhesive Film—White Gloss and apply it across the bottom of the glass panels on the front and back. This will obscure the issue from view and improve the look dramatically.


If the new owner is likely to fully renovate the bathroom, I would be hesitant to spend money replacing the screen, though it is an option.


If you apply the film carefully, avoid bubbles, and make sure it's straight, it shouldn't look out of place.


Be careful when working around shower screens, as they can crack very easily if knocked with a hard object. Wear PPE, including safety glasses, a long-sleeved shirt, trousers, and enclosed footwear.


Let me tag @dave1 and @Nailbag to see if they have any thoughts.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to remove shower screen mould?

Hi @477bus 


I am away for the weekend so I can't tell you the product until I get home. But my wife found a product online that I thought would be just another Insta gimmick, but it cleaned a fully blackened vanity drain silicon to around 85-90% new. You apply it to the surface then it needs to be left for 2-3days to do its magic, but incredibly it actually worked.


Your issue is far more substantial, so I can't comment on how effective it will work, but it's worth a try. Failing that, contacting a shower screen repair person to pull the frame apart to clean the glass and then refit it with new inserts will be the only real solution. This is something I have previously had to do some years back. As @MitchellMc mentioned, there is unfortunately no freely available product available for a common issue.


Regards, Nailbag

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