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Old house has little wooden slats to cover joins in the wall.
what can I use to seal the gaps and make the wall look flat, instead of adding wooden slats again?
Solved! See most helpful response
Afternoon @kikirock
First up I would like to offer a walm welcome to the Bunnings Community Definently a good place to wander through with these types of questions
The only time I have seen those types of joins in old houses have been to cover fibro sheeting. I would recommend not to fill or sand the gap until you have had it tested for asbestos.
If you want that look to go then potentially you could go for some easycraft 2400 x 1200 x 9mm easyVJ100 Wall Lining Primed General Purpose MR MDF E0 to clad over the top of the fibro without disturbing it.
If you get the fibro worked out and its not asbestos then lets us know and w ecan see what other ideas we can come up with. I am also thinking if the material is timber maybe its to cope with expansion of the boards?
Thanks Dave. I appreciate your help!
A sample was sent off to the lab and it definitely is asbestos in the Laundry and part of the kitchen (seems to be around the wet areas only as different walls in the kitchen did not contain asbestos). So I definitely wouldn’t be looking at disturbing it just yet.
unfortunately, the cabinet which was in this location fell off the wall and I’ve been left with a horrible looking space. I think the MDF would be a good idea and I’ll look into that for sure.
I just wasn’t sure if I had to do a flexible sealant, tape, putty combo as I’m Reno-useless!!
thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Hello @kikirock
Allow me to welcome you as well to the Bunnings workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about joining the gaps in your wall.
It's fantastic that You've received excellent advice from @Dave-1. I just saw your response a few moments ago. If you are attempting to cover the exposed wall, I suggest engaging the services of an asbestos removal specialist and asking them for their advice regarding walling off the exposed section. You might require their services even if you are just covering that section of the wall.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
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