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How to fix water-damaged cabinet doors?

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How to fix water-damaged cabinet doors?

How can I fix the water-damaged bathroom cabinet doors?bedroom 3-2.pngbedroom 3-1.pngbedroom 1-1.pngbedroom 1-2.png 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Water damaged cabinet doors

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Shaheen. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repairing water-damaged doors.

Water-damaged cabinet doors can be tricky to repair, especially when the particle board core has expanded due to moisture. Once the internal chipboard has swollen, it's unlikely to return to its original profile. Before attempting any repair, it’s worth pricing a replacement door, as the cost of materials for a temporary fix might be similar to a brand-new door.


If you'd still like to try a repair, you could bind the damaged area using Aquadhere PVA glue. Apply the glue generously to the affected section, then clamp the door between two pieces of timber to help compress the board. Multiple clamps will be needed to apply even pressure. Keep in mind that while this might stabilise the door, the swelling will likely still be visible.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: Water damaged cabinet doors

Thanks, Mitchell.

Appreciate your  prompt response

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