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How to fix a toilet leak?

Getting Established

How to fix a toilet leak?

We have a caroma slimline toilet which had a leak which was very noisy, we replaced the inlet valve and seated washer today which seemed to stop the leak, and is much better, however there seems to be a very slow leak, 

I wanted to ask could the slow leak possibly be from some form of left over from the original washer that will probably stop on its own.?  

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a toilet leak?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Flora1. It's great to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about fixing a leaking toilet.

It sounds like either the inlet valve is not adjusted correctly to shut off prior to the overflow being reached, or it's not working properly, or the outlet valve is not sealing. So, basically, I'd go back through assessing which component is the issue using this guide: How to fix a leaking toilet. Once you determine whether it's the inlet or outlet valve, you can check to see why that component is not working.


I don't think the slow leak is due to part of the original washer still being in place, and I don't think it will resolve on its own.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Getting Established

Re: How to fix a toilet leak?

Thanks Mitchell, 

I was thinking also could it be possible that the seated washer needs to be rechecked to make sure it is sealed in correctly leaving no gaps and would the area needed to be cleaned after removing old washer, which could potentially be causing the slow leak?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a toilet leak?

It could be @Flora1. If one side was smooth and the other had a ridge, it would be more likely that the washer was put on the wrong way. Try manually pulling up the inlet valve float to see if it stops the leak. If it does, the float height might need to be adjusted.


I don't think the area would need to be cleaned unless the old seat washer was so deteriorated that bits were stuck in place.




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Getting Established

Why would a toilet be emptying too quickly?

We have a tenanted property and had a toilet leak which we replaced the inlet valve and washer which seemed to work well for a well.

They have just told me that now the toilet seems to be emptying too quickly?

what do you think the issue might be?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why would a toilet be emptying too quickly?

Hi @Flora1,


That sounds like an interesting problem that I haven't encountered before. I'd need a bit more information about what "emptying too quickly" looks like. The only way I can really get my head around that description is that they are inferring that the water being released from the cistern isn't flushing down what's in the pan. This could mean that when you replaced the inlet valve, you didn't adjust the float valve to allow enough water to fill up into the cistern.


This could appear like the cistern is emptying too quickly, as an insufficient quantity of water is being released when flushed. To counter this, adjust the inlet valve float so it allows more water into the cistern before cutting out.


If you can ask for some more information about the actual issue, it might help troubleshoot further.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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