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How to fix Toto 818 toilet with stripped seat fasteners?

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How to fix Toto 818 toilet with stripped seat fasteners?

00..I need a pair of fasteners to secure the Toto toilet seat and stop it slipping all over the place.  The fasteners cannot be tightened and will slip almost immediately. I am told there is a kit but I cannot locate it.  Each fastener tightens up in a hole down into the base bowl.  I need a couple of them.  Any help to locate some would be appreciated.   Ralph Jordan

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: My Toto 818 toilet has stripped fasteners from seat into the base (toilet bowl).

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @ralphj. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about toilet seat fixings.

Toilet seat fixings are typically proprietary to the specific seat model, so there are limited options to purchase separately. You might like to check out our toilet seat fixings to see if they resemble your current ones.


Your best option would be to contact the manufacturer or supplier to see if a spare part can be ordered. If this were a seat you purchased through us, I'd be happy to look into that for you. Alternatively, depending on the cost of the fixings, you might like to consider purchasing a new toilet seat. Here's a helpful guide: How to choose a new toilet seat.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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