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How far do I turn water pressure at main?

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How far do I turn water pressure at main?



I’ve had a water hammer issue and washers replaced. The issue only occurs when turning the taps on, not turning them off.

I found some solutions online for air pockets and water hammering which I’ve completed. 

I have turned the main back on -  (maybe a silly question) how far do I turn it? All the way, half way? 
as I’m adjusting the circular handle, can I leave a tap on to see how much pressure it will bring?


I have tuned it anti clockwise 6x around but it can go a lot more. 

thank you for any advice. 

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Re: How far do I turn water pressure at main?

Hi @ThePredator,

A very good point, with pipework within a house or whatevever, it is very hard to locate where a given noise/shockwave might be coming from, due to the pipes actually transmitting the noise throughout their length.

Now, I could be wrong about Australia, but over here in NZ, it is convention that the Ajax valve is installed in the hot water cylinder cupboard where the cold water main is bought into the house, provided of course that it isn't outside because it's run on Gas.

Don't hold me to that though, it all depends on who plumbed the house when it was built, with a concrete slab floor house, it will be where the main comes through the floor, somewhere.....

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