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Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Growing in Experience

Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Hey all,


I’m nearing the end of my European Laundry fit out, and today installed the complete laundry unit I chose, retrospectively, I should have gone with a base cabinet and separate sink, but I didn’t and here we are.


I have a nice kaboodle countertop that I’d like to extend over the laundry unit and adjoining base cabinet however, and am trying to find inspiration on the best way to cut out the countertop.


Should I just go around the full perimeter of the laundry unit? Leaving a stainless steel to reduce the chances of warping in the counter? Or should I cut flush with the inner bowl of the unit and put more of the pvc barrier on the inner rim of the cut out?


be very interested to hear other ideas.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Hello @PrideKnight


Thank you so much for sharing your question about the cut-out in the Kaboodle countertop over the laundry unit.


It's great to hear that you've made excellent progress with your European laundry fit-out. Would it be possible for you to post a photo of your current laundry layout? This will give our members a better idea of what it looks like and allow them to provide you with a comprehensive recommendation. Going by your description, anything that prevents the benchtop from warping is always a plus. Please keep us updated, we look forward to seeing the photos.




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Growing in Experience

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Thanks Eric, yeah I meant to get to it haha, attached is the base cabinet and the laundry unit that the counter would cover


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Hello @PrideKnight


Thank you for posting a picture of your cabinet layout. I suggest raising the height of the base cabinet to the level of the sink tub. Place the benchtop on top of the cabinet and cut it straight along the right perimeter of the base cabinet. Then on the other side of the benchtop cut along the perimeter of the laundry tub.


Now you're wondering, why would you need a benchtop for the top of your laundry tub? You don't, it's actually just a cover to give your laundry a seamless look. The benchtop for your laundry tub needs to be cut at the top so that you can push it all the way in and avoid the laundry tap. You just need to take that benchtop out whenever you want to use the laundry tub. Please keep us updated, we look forward to seeing your laundry once it's complete.


Let me tag our experienced members @craftyhopper and @prettyliving for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Hello @PrideKnight 


My apologies for the late reply. I just realized that I forgot to upload the pictures for my suggestion. I hope its not too late, please have a look.




Pride benchtop1.jpg Pride benchtop2.jpg Pride benchtop3.jpg Pride benchtop4.jpg

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Growing in Experience

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Thanks Eric, that is an amazing concept, I really like the idea.


I’ve had to rework my set up slightly. The asymmetry of the 395mm laundry tub + 300mm cabinet, with 450mm  + 300mm wall units above would have eventually driven me insane, so I’m going to replace the laundry unit with a 450mm base cabinet, run the bench over my nice matching 750mm run and cut the sink from the laundry unit into the bench top. 

unfortunately, your concept over the length wouldn’t work in my set up, as the machine going in at the end is an LG washtower, so the sink area will be bookended. May still look to incorporate the cut out back in as a removable piece to give the extra workspace though!



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Hi @PrideKnight 


I've reworked the drawing with your LG washtower and 450 base cabinet. If you wish to see it in another configuration, please let me know.




prides laundry1A.jpg


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Growing in Experience

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Thought I’d share a progress update.


Black subway tiles go in around the cornice tonight and then cabinets all get permanently fixed tomorrow :).


later this week: splashback and final fixings!!


still undecided if I’m going to put on the doors on the cabinets, given they’re all behind doors already. 

I’m particularly proud of my flush mounted sink :smile:



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

Hi @PrideKnight


Thank you so much for the update. It looks like it's coming along nicely. Your laundry tub looks fantastic, did you get this off your old tub or is this a new one? If it is the old one, can you please tell us how you managed to install it into your benchtop? It is very impressive how you installed the laundry tub. What colour did you get for the LG combo? I had taken a guess with your last sketch.


We look forward to seeing your next update.




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Growing in Experience

Re: Cut out in Kaboodle countertop over laundry unit

It is indeed the tub off the other unit. I cut out the sink dimensions by tracing around and then measuring in, and then because the tub had a lip around the outside that sat over the sides of the original unit, I used my circular saw and plunge blade on a multitool to cut in a 20mm deep channel around where the lip was so they could sink into it. Ran black silicone over all the cut surfaces and into the channel after dry fitting and then another bead of black silicone around the perimeter which hides the imperfect cut out.


And you nailed it, the washtower I have on order is the dark grey unit.

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