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How to clean the Manrose Rio 3 In 1 Bathroom Heater?

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How to clean the Manrose Rio 3 In 1 Bathroom Heater?

Would anyone know how to safely remove this to clean the dust on the side of the Manrose Rio 3 In 1 Bathroom Heater - White?

Does it require an electrician to do so?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to clean the Manrose Rio 3 In 1 Bathroom Heater?

Hi @tzelyn,


Could you provide more details on where exactly the dust is located and what parts of the unit need to be removed? In most cases, the front and vents of the Manrose Rio 3 In 1 Bathroom Heater can be cleaned sufficiently without needing to remove the entire unit. If you're looking to remove the whole unit from the ceiling for a deeper clean, an electrician would be required to safely disconnect and reconnect it. However, for regular cleaning, there’s no need to remove the unit completely.


The front fascia of the unit (which is what I presume you'd like to clean) can be removed without an electrician to clean it. You can find instructions for doing so in the user manual. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Cleaning the Manrose Rio 3 In 1 Bathroom Heater - White

Hi Mitchell, 


It's the dust that has accumulated on the inside of the unit itself. (where the blades are). I noticed it when I was cleaning and dusting off the glass shield and fascia. 

There is no way to access that?


Thanks, Shereen 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cleaning the Manrose Rio 3 In 1 Bathroom Heater - White

Hi @tzelyn,


As hardwired electrical fixtures present potentially life-threatening risks, you should exhibit extreme caution. I'd suggest you turn the power off at your switchboard before doing anything with this unit.


It looks like the link @MitchellMc has provided might be broken. The user manual shows how to remove the front fascia in step 5 which should give you access to the inside of the unit.


If this doesn't prove useful, you could try blowing the dust out of the unit. If you have a leaf blower or air compressor this would work. Alternatively, you can use this WD-40 350g Specialist Dust Free Air Duster.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




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