Some years ago I bought a set of spade bits. The 16mm one was bent in the shaft straight out of the box. It was un-useable but I never threw it away. ...
I agree with all of what has been said. I'm sure this wasn't welded in place so it shouldn't need to be cut up to be removed. Having said that, it may ...
Waaaayy out of my area of expertise, I'm afraid.I'll be interested to see any other replies though, as well as the result of the restoration.Good luck ...
Ahh, drop saws. Messy beggars, aren't they? And the dust bags some of them come with are like Rainier Wolfecastle's goggles! Even if you remove the ba ...
Over Easter, a certain other woodworking tool supplier *coff Timbecon coff* had a sale and took their Torquata imperial dado stack kit down from $199 ...
Lordy lord, why!?! Why would you want to remove the contrast, the different colouration and shading of the original, real wood and replace it with som ...
Hi Partha (@PN),
I'd be keen to hear about what type of wildlife you'd like to encourage into your garden. Birds and bees would be a great place to ...
A mini bar I have built for a friend... The electric heater niche was empty, and it seemed like a great idea. The body is 19mm structural plywood, sa ...
A few weeks back I went to the market to pick up some fresh produce. Somehow, I came back home with a 2m tall Lemon tree ...and the produce.
Instead ...
I forgot to say - yes, the ugg boots are a big hit in our house. We have three pairs between us all and sometimes I accidentally end up with the wrong ...
Some years ago I bought a set of spade bits. The 16mm one was bent in the shaft straight out of the box. It was un-useable but I never threw it away. ...
I agree with all of what has been said. I'm sure this wasn't welded in place so it shouldn't need to be cut up to be removed. Having said that, it may ...
Waaaayy out of my area of expertise, I'm afraid.I'll be interested to see any other replies though, as well as the result of the restoration.Good luck ...
Ahh, drop saws. Messy beggars, aren't they? And the dust bags some of them come with are like Rainier Wolfecastle's goggles! Even if you remove the ba ...
Over Easter, a certain other woodworking tool supplier *coff Timbecon coff* had a sale and took their Torquata imperial dado stack kit down from $199 ...
Lordy lord, why!?! Why would you want to remove the contrast, the different colouration and shading of the original, real wood and replace it with som ...