Hi, I want to have a go at tiling the splashback for a kitchenette.
Can someone please advise on what I need to get from Bunnings.
I want to use a f ...
Thanks for the advice.
I guess that's were I encounter another issue.
If I shorten the tray I will then need to add or replace the flooring to cover ...
I was hoping there would be a way to shorten tray without removing tank. As it is all plumbed in. I don't plan to move it. Hence why I was going dow ...
Hi @TedBear How did you go about fitting the cabinets out from the wall? I was thinking about using 2 x 16mm melamine panels together against the th ...
Hi @LeopoldProjects,
My vote would be as @Dave-1 mentioned, to place some incisions in the corners, fold the front in and then pop-rivet the corners ...
Hi @LeopoldProjects , there is no need to fit whole panels behind the cabinets. Ours just have strips of vertical timber in a few places to keep them ...
Thanks for the advice.
I guess that's were I encounter another issue.
If I shorten the tray I will then need to add or replace the flooring to cover ...
I was hoping there would be a way to shorten tray without removing tank. As it is all plumbed in. I don't plan to move it. Hence why I was going dow ...
Hi @TedBear How did you go about fitting the cabinets out from the wall? I was thinking about using 2 x 16mm melamine panels together against the th ...
Hello,I am building a kaboodle kitchenette. The corner cabinet is to have a hot water tank inside it. The drip pan/tray is the same depth as the cabin ...