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since 2 weeks ago
Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
1 reply
a week ago

Hi Nailbag, Yes you’re right, it will be a lot of work but sadly I’m trying to match an exact pattern I already have. I’ve been looking for the past y ...

Finding My Feet
a week ago

Hi EricL, Thanks so much for the suggestion. Yes, I have looked at that range (and searched elsewhere) but I can’t find an outdoor screen that mimics ...

Finding My Feet
a week ago

Hi Dave,What a great story! I love that your Grandfather made them with at home. I think with the recent love for mid century modern design breeze blo ...

Finding My Feet
a week ago

Hi MitchellMc, Wow! Thanks so much for taking to the time to mock up that rendering! You must be psychic because I’m copying star breeze blocks I alre ...

Finding My Feet
a week ago

Hi JacobZ, First I’d like to thank you so much for your thorough response. I actually intend to make a few of these, so the size of the screen will va ...

Finding My Feet
12 replies

Hi, I would like to make a decorative outdoor screen and I’m wondering what material would be best to use for this project please? It will be approxi ...

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Finding My Feet
a week ago

Hi Dave,What a great story! I love that your Grandfather made them with at home. I think with the recent love for mid century modern design breeze blo ...

Finding My Feet
a week ago

Hi MitchellMc, Wow! Thanks so much for taking to the time to mock up that rendering! You must be psychic because I’m copying star breeze blocks I alre ...

Finding My Feet
a week ago

Hi JacobZ, First I’d like to thank you so much for your thorough response. I actually intend to make a few of these, so the size of the screen will va ...

Finding My Feet
12 replies

Hi, I would like to make a decorative outdoor screen and I’m wondering what material would be best to use for this project please? It will be approxi ...

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