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Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
2 replies
2 weeks ago

Thanks @EricL and @Dave-1 for the suggestions so far. I hope these pictures will make a bit more sense what our garden looks like. The first photo is ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for ideas to rejuvenate this eye sore in our backyard. We have a sloping rock garden that leads to a higher level. Th ...

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Finding My Feet
2 replies
2 weeks ago

Thanks @EricL and @Dave-1 for the suggestions so far. I hope these pictures will make a bit more sense what our garden looks like. The first photo is ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for ideas to rejuvenate this eye sore in our backyard. We have a sloping rock garden that leads to a higher level. Th ...

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