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since 4 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
3 weeks ago

Brilliant. Thanks, Nailbag. Simon

Finding My Feet
2 replies
3 weeks ago

Many thanks, Nailbag. I really appreciate your constructive suggestion and the accompanying photos.As I've only ever required a cut like this once in ...

Finding My Feet
4 replies
4 weeks ago

Hi MitchellI'm going to reclad my outdoor tool cupboard with Bunnings plywood, which I need to be cut into 2750 x 450mm panels.I'm aware that Bunnings ...

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Amassing an Audience
1 reply
3 weeks ago

Hi @simonmcg It will take a bit of phoning about as most timber yards only do docking cuts. In other words use a mite saw to cut long timbers to le ...

Amassing an Audience
3 replies
3 weeks ago

Hi @simonmcg Anywhere else you take the timber to be cut will incur a charge per cut. I would consider @JacobZ suggestion to buy a circular saw and ...

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Finding My Feet
3 weeks ago

Brilliant. Thanks, Nailbag. Simon

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