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Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
2 replies
a month ago

Thanks Eric, that is really helpful. In the case that we decide not to raise the floor (and leave as is), and instead cover the floor of the lower are ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hello, My partner and I have just bought a fixer-upper and are looking to transform this laundry/toilet area at the back of the house. We are going to ...

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Bunnings Team Member EricL
Bunnings Team Member
3 replies
a month ago

Hello @LizB88 Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about raising th ...

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Finding My Feet
2 replies
a month ago

Thanks Eric, that is really helpful. In the case that we decide not to raise the floor (and leave as is), and instead cover the floor of the lower are ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hello, My partner and I have just bought a fixer-upper and are looking to transform this laundry/toilet area at the back of the house. We are going to ...

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