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Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
a month ago

Hi,Thank you everyone. As I don't have access to the neighbors side, I will file down the edges of the holes, use the tape and epoxy or builders bog o ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hi, I am about to repaint my back fence. There are many holes and I would like to repair them from our side. I don't want to put screws through to the ...

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Finding My Feet
a month ago

Hi,Thank you everyone. As I don't have access to the neighbors side, I will file down the edges of the holes, use the tape and epoxy or builders bog o ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hi, I am about to repaint my back fence. There are many holes and I would like to repair them from our side. I don't want to put screws through to the ...

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