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Getting Established
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Getting Established
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Hello Mitchell, Thank you for your email with a lot of information. Is there any way to get notification for woodwork workshop? Will there be any auto ...

Getting Established

Hello Jacob, Thank you for liking our cat house. I wish I had taken enough pictures, we had no idea what we would do and how it would turn out. Moreov ...

Getting Established
2 replies

We built our cathouse with with mdf board, scared woods, artificial grass mat and a scratching board as a stairs.

Getting Established
3 replies

Hello, I am Fatema. I want to learn to make a rotating bookshelf like this from scratch. I live near Lidcomb Bunnings. What basic skills should I st ...

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Bunnings Team Member JacobZ
Bunnings Team Member
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Hi @fhira, Thank you for sharing your D.I.Y. cat house project and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It looks like you've created a wonderfu ...

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Getting Established
1 reply

Hello Mitchell, Thank you for your email with a lot of information. Is there any way to get notification for woodwork workshop? Will there be any auto ...

Getting Established

Hello Jacob, Thank you for liking our cat house. I wish I had taken enough pictures, we had no idea what we would do and how it would turn out. Moreov ...

Getting Established
2 replies

We built our cathouse with with mdf board, scared woods, artificial grass mat and a scratching board as a stairs.

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