My calendula plants are slowly turning yellow. Also I see its leaves getting eaten up. Could you please suggest how do I protect it? I am also grow ...
Thanks Michelle, how much of the 9kg fertilizer should I apply into one plant? I have around 15 to 20 big murraya plants around my house. 10 of them ...
this one has all of the sudden started turning yellow. this is a smaller plant but again the leaves are turning yellow. The dried plant that you se ...
My murraya plants are getting yellow leaves. Not able to identify if it's due to over watering or lack of watering. I also notice that grass have gr ...
Hi @aruna_k
Eric and Mich1972 have given you great advice. You might notice the lower (older) leaves on the calendulas yellowing - this is fairly nor ... Good afternoon @aruna_k than you for sharing your question an ...
Hello @aruna_k
The chewing pattern on the leaves leads me to believe that it's been eaten by caterpillars or a similar insect. It's also possible t ...
For exact usage rates, apply the fertiliser as per the guidelines on the packaging @aruna_k or broadcast over beds using 50-80g/m2. The one 9kg bucket ...
Hi @aruna_k,
I'd recommend you give the plants a good fertilising with Scotts Osmocote 9kg All Purpose Landscape Controlled Release Fertiliser. You ...
Hello @aruna_k
Thank you for sharing your question about your Murraya plant. If you can please provide us with a bit of history and what's been hap ...
My calendula plants are slowly turning yellow. Also I see its leaves getting eaten up. Could you please suggest how do I protect it? I am also grow ...