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since July 2023
August 2023
Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
1 reply
July 2023

Fixed leak with one of these.I uploaded an image because I cant seem to put the URL link into this message.

Finding My Feet
3 replies
July 2023

Thanks for the all the advice. I will first just purchase a seating washer to see what happens as that's the "cheap test fix", and if I don't get the ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies
July 2023

Added more detailed images below with some dimensions for reference. At the moment, I assume that the "Option 1" simplest solution to try out would be ...

Finding My Feet
7 replies

I have a leak into the toilet from the outlet pipe because (I'm assuming) the rubber seal inside the tank is not closing well enough anymore. I was lo ...

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Finding My Feet
1 reply
July 2023

Fixed leak with one of these.I uploaded an image because I cant seem to put the URL link into this message.

Finding My Feet
3 replies
July 2023

Thanks for the all the advice. I will first just purchase a seating washer to see what happens as that's the "cheap test fix", and if I don't get the ...

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August 2023