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since July 2022
July 2022
Getting Established
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Getting Established
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July 2022

Hi Katie! Thanks for the welcome and info! I was simply able to cut the skewers to different lengths with scissors, sand the edges slightly, and spray ...

Getting Established
3 replies

This was an old desk from a friend which had seen better days. It was covered in scratches and missing laminate in parts. I was able to upcycle this d ...

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Getting Established
1 reply

Rowena's dream was for a fun garden area where the children and the young at heart could enjoy. With the extended family from around Australia coming ...

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Getting Established
1 reply
July 2022

Hi Katie! Thanks for the welcome and info! I was simply able to cut the skewers to different lengths with scissors, sand the edges slightly, and spray ...

Getting Established
3 replies

This was an old desk from a friend which had seen better days. It was covered in scratches and missing laminate in parts. I was able to upcycle this d ...

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July 2022