Thanks for your advice I now have discussed the project with body corporate and have approval! Now I just have to purchase the right products and ins ...
Thanks so much for your recommendations! Why do you recommend that lock how is it different to eufy? I now have discussed my requirements with body c ...
I am owner occupier of a 2 bedroom flat upstairs with a balcony within a block of flats total of 8 flats.
I would like to have security cameras and lo ...
Hi Mitchell thank you for your help and reply! I am going to go with sticking a piece onto the bricks as you have advised. do you think I should fil ...
I think it should be fairly straightforward, however I am wondering what products and type of paint etc to use when painting a carport ceiling? The a ...
Thanks so much for your recommendations! Why do you recommend that lock how is it different to eufy? I now have discussed my requirements with body c ...
Hi Mitchell thank you for your help and reply! I am going to go with sticking a piece onto the bricks as you have advised. do you think I should fil ...