I need to organise an electrician to replace our non-functioning bathroom fan. It's a wired-in model on the wall that vents directly outside. ...
Does anyone know what fitting this is? Somesort of mini fluorescent? Is it user replaceable or do I need an electrician to replace the wholelight with ...
The Team at Bunnings Horsham whipped up this very cool chess set for a store competition using recycled timber, Feast Watson products and a variety of ...
There are special epoxy based putties and mastics available for steel framed windows, but for DIY purposes linseed oil based putty is fine and is what ...
Hi @Shane. Many thanks for your question, I'd be happy to recommend how to repair the window putty.
As Deb (@Mathy) has mentioned, that material is ...
Hi @Shane - that looks like a traditional window linseed oil based putty. Selleys make a version (called Special Putty), here’s a linkhttps://www.sell ...
Hi All, Thanks for your help and suggestion. Finally I have finished the renovation. I did all the job myself except plumbing installation and elect ...
Hey @Dorah You might get some tips from this post - https://www.workshop.com.au/t5/Whole-of-House/Removing-old-paint-from-walls/m-p/28583 Unfortunate ...
Thanks again. One more question: would you recommend two coats of primer? After the first coat, there’s a little touch of blue still showing through. ...
Job now done. Thanks again Mitchell. Only took six months to get back to it! Dennis at Bunnings Doncaster was very helpful when I brought the spindle ...