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since March 2022
Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
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As it’s getting warmer when spring comes, so do the insects! There are some wasps lingering around my lower roof and they start building their homes i ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply
2 weeks ago

Thanks! The weed and feed hose start taking effect! But at the same time there seems to be some invading grass species coming in (doesn’t look like we ...

Finding My Feet
3 replies
a month ago

Thanks so much @MitchellMc , will give a go!I would see if the "feed" element would help the sparse area that I could see the soil. Or I should consid ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hi,I am totally new to gardening and I am puzzled by the kind of grass I have - it looks like buffalo but I am not so sure. I also found some invadi ...

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Bunnings Team Member MitchellMc
Bunnings Team Member
4 replies
a month ago

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @waltercflui. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about lawn care.That loo ...

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Finding My Feet
3 replies
a month ago

Thanks so much @MitchellMc , will give a go!I would see if the "feed" element would help the sparse area that I could see the soil. Or I should consid ...

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