Thank you Jacob and Noelle. I used the plant identifying website and I think it might be a type of lobster flower plant? I’ll have to wait for flowers ...
Hello, I have moved into a house with a garden overrun with this plant. It smells like a herb, but has stalks almost like a succulent. It almost looks ...
Thank you @BradN & @MitchellMc for the advice! The blueberry lives outside on my balcony in very bright but indirect light all day, until the afternoo ...
I bought a skeleton of a blueberry plant on sale at Bunnings a few months ago, and it is now covered in fruit and growing like crazy, but in a very we ...
Hi @anniek
It certainly looks to be related to oregano/marjoram but without seeing the flower it would be extremely difficult to positively identify ...
Thank you @BradN & @MitchellMc for the advice! The blueberry lives outside on my balcony in very bright but indirect light all day, until the afternoo ...