Thanks Marty, it's fairly new. I can see your logic if it was getting on in years. I've decided to leave it and work around it. It'll be screened off ...
howdy Rob, thanks very much for your help. I will get onto finding a plumber who can disconnect it all for me. The challenge will be getting the work ...
Has anyone temporarily moved a hot water system? Mine is currently situated on top of the decking boards I need to replace. The deck is about a metre ...
Thanks for the tag and kind words @gippslandhome. I haven't done it before so unfortunately can't help @Tomo. In short, I'd do some research online to ...
How old is it @Tomo? You would need a sparky and a plumber to do it safely so it might be an opportune time to replace the unit and get the new one in ...
@Tomo G'day mate. It's a very relevant question. As you may be aware both plumbing and electrical are licenced trades and there is very little a DIY p ...
Thanks Marty, it's fairly new. I can see your logic if it was getting on in years. I've decided to leave it and work around it. It'll be screened off ...
howdy Rob, thanks very much for your help. I will get onto finding a plumber who can disconnect it all for me. The challenge will be getting the work ...
Has anyone temporarily moved a hot water system? Mine is currently situated on top of the decking boards I need to replace. The deck is about a metre ...