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Dave-1's Bookmarks

Community Megastar
2 replies

Its that time of year when we all start to want to hang out on our decking only to frown at the state it is in... Well yeah I did So I have rolled th ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

The side of the deck needed to have a privacy screen as I could say "Howdy" to the neighbours resonably easy. Years after I built the privacy screen t ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

The old gazebo next to the pool had reached end of life years before I bought the house. It couldnt be walked on and needed to be removed to make the ...

Community Megastar
6 replies

As the front yard has a reasonable slope on it from the back gate and front step area I needed to either backfill a large area and then install a reta ...

Community Megastar
4 replies

This is the second part of the project for a privacy screen. I wanted a higher screening then the old side gate as my neighbours across the street cou ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

I am after some ideas of a handrail for my privacy screen I have built. I am almost at the point of installing it/cutting timbers to the correct heigh ...

Community Megastar
4 replies

After having the sewage done and redoing my stormwater pipes (they had compacted over the years in multiple areas) the steps I originally had were in ...

Community Megastar
1 reply

I had planted a coffee tree a year ago and the winds in my area are fierce. I Figured another wind break but this time made out of Gabion baskets. I ...

Community Megastar
7 replies

I started this Project Mid 2017. The fence line between the neighbous and my place didnt have a fence except for the back half of the yards. I had ...

Community Megastar
16 replies

Community Megastar
4 replies

Started this way back in 2017 and then other projects took priorityMaking 4 of joining pieces at once... Got 50% right... lol the last two I had to re ...

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