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Project is to raise the far gate height to stop the pool deck platform from being able to be seen across the road.
Started this way back in 2017 and then other projects took priority
Making 4 of joining pieces at once... Got 50% right... lol the last two I had to redrill the holes
Plan of the front side of the gate. Put slates up then frame a gate on the right hand side. Once it is framed then two stright cuts verticaly and a set of hinges on the right hand side is the plan (maybe two sets)
Sketch of the courtyard area and what I wantitto be. The spa is another project as is the gabion wall.
Chiseled out notches for horizontal and front to back beams
I doubled the Cross beams as one was not goint to last without a center support
The platform joists and the Associated blocks I made to attach them. I didnt want any vertical holes drilled in the timber as I felt long term it would add chances to rot. This is where I am up to. Next step is to attach horizontal slats to the front.. I will post some more when I get it done.
Newer layout pic of posts and superstructure
Temp bracing. It has held for 5 years :0 Now a few small T pieces to hold the beams in place as I mark and drill/make vertical as I can.
Third set of hands working
All the timber has been recyled from people ripping things out.
Gate size has been expanded and height shown better. One reason I wanted a bar across the gate was to prevent sag over the years of the gate. Have never installed a gate before.
Will heat it via the dutch spa method is the idea. The spa shell is one I picked up for $100 delivered!
Had to roll back the undergrowth or overgrowth?
These are the orginal plans I drew up including a narrow gate
Layout of the posts and height of gate. I have a battle axe style block so thats why they are not inline.
Above the gate there is a deck with a privacy screen (was going to keep bees on it until I realised in winter its shaded all day)
Stays being notched
Stays being notched
So the green line is roughly true verical, the bow in the crossbeam caused the post to be out so far. (There is also a bow in the tall post but not too bad)
Reusing Hardwood timber has a few issues... The Bend in some pieces was intense!
All in. My poor drill bit is blunt, need to learn how to sharpen a drill bit. 12mm and used 10mm bolts for "play"
Making a center post for the rear of the raised deck part. It will have a stay attached to it eventually.
A test slat to see how close I managed to put the posts in. I had put the stirup bases in 5 years ago and then had to wait. The concrete base I presumed was square... Not really so lol The center post is out by around 15mm which is fixable by placing a verical piece of timber on it as a large shim.
Where the center support is going
Stays in place and it really solidified the frame
Front side stay only half way as the gate is on the other side
"Insert swear word" Bolts were just too short... Off to Bunnings again...
Hello @Dave-1
Thank you very much for sharing your photos and plans on your courtyard project. The spa in your drawing looks very interesting, will you be using a woodfired heater or is it just a heat recovery system for the spa?
We look forward to seeing your next update.
Hi @Dave-1,
Your screening is going to make a world of difference and your before and after photos will be incredible! I like that you have been using recycled timber, even though it is a bit of a pain and comes with some bend, but I know you'll be able to work through it. Thank you for sharing your learnings with the community so far, I am sure there will be even more triumphs ahead.
Looking forward to your updated post!
I intend to use a wood fired system Most probarly a 25mm copper coil within an old gas bottle spiraled (As a converted stove). Id prefer stainless coiled pipe but laying my hands on that type of stainless coiled pipe is a little hard I Cant afford to run a pool and a spa at the same time (Energy costs) but could run one or the other so this is the option I have come up with.
I think so also, Nervous that Something will be out but thats half the fun
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