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The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Whole of House

Help for projects that encompass the entire house
Community Manager Jason
Community Manager
57 replies

It's nearly winter and the temperature is starting to drop, particularly at night. Unfortunately, when the temperature drops, our power bills tend to ...

Community Manager Jason
Community Manager
15 replies

It's the first day of winter and the cold weather has arrived. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to winter-proof your home by keeping the c ...

Cultivating a Following
11 replies

Any suggestions on what I can do to clean up this old air-conditioner? It's about 18 years old, works fine. Due to budget I don't really want to repla ...

Growing in Experience
17 replies

Hi, I have an old weatherboard house and would like to get under the house and install insulation under the floor. I have very little headroom (l ...

Having an Impact
23 replies

It's really hot today and we have evaporative cooling installed. It does a great job until mid-afternoon, and then the challenge of the heat seems t ...

Just Starting Out
14 replies

I have the roller blockout blinds, when there is the slightest wind they bang non stop, would love a simple tip to stop this.Thank you.Leonie

Growing in Experience
5 replies

    Looking to do some minor energy efficiency works on our covering these wall vents up. Suggestions on how we could do this? Small hole ...

Amassing an Audience
25 replies

Just read this article about the most terrible things about Australian houses - ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

  I have a double door entry to my home and I get a lot of draught coming through the center of the two doors. The left side door which is the one ...

Kind of a Big Deal
6 replies

Hi all, I'm currently designing a two storey house to commence building in the next 6 months. I want to have a woodfire heater on the ground floor in ...

Amassing an Audience
10 replies

So I've got that DIY itch again and one of the projects on my list is roof ventilation for the summer months, especially with our attic fully operatio ...

Growing in Experience
6 replies

    Hello I have couple of old aircon vents across the house that I want to close. Any suggestions on how this can be achieved please? Thank you ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects