We recently bought an existing house with reverse cycle AC which I know nothing about. Discovered it should have a filter on the return vent. Its missing. Is it possible to make the frame myself to place the filter material in?. It measures 580mm x 580mm x 20mm
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @desmajane. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about creating a frame.
Anything is possible with enough effort! While you might want to explore pre-fabricated filter frames, making one yourself is certainly doable. You could create a simple frame using aluminium C-channel, which would be sturdy and lightweight. To assemble the corners, you could use pop rivets to create a secure connection. This would allow you to custom-fit the filter material and ensure it stays in place. Just make sure to measure accurately and use materials that are durable enough for the task.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I would love to obtain prefabricated but im having trouble locating it myself. Im
sure once I find a technician to service our system he could help.
I will look into the materials you suggest. Thankyou
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