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Your best painting tips

Painting can be a fantastic low-cost way to freshen up a room and add value to a property. For a small investment, the right paint job can make a big impact. 


Painting is also something that anyone can do. But I'm sure the Workshop community has plenty of great tips for getting the best result possible.


Please share your painting tips in the discussion below.





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Re: Your best painting tips

Sorry @melheasman, but I'm not aware of the paint colour. You might like to take advantage of the colour matching service available in all Bunnings stores. You simply need to take a sample of the colour into the store and the team can attempt a colour match for you. The sample just needs to be at least the size of a five-cent coin.


Let me extend a very warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's always fantastic to have a new member and we look forward to reading more about your painting project and about all the others you might have planned for around the house and garden.


Please don't hesitate to post anytime you have something to share with the community, need a hand with a project around the house and garden, or ever need assistance getting the most from the Workshop site.






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Re: Your best painting tips

Hi @melheasman,


I've picked out a few colours to steer you in the right direction. Since the paint in the picture is wet, it will dry up to two shades darker. I have a feeling it is something similar to Surf Wash. You can always pick up a sample pot of a few of these colours in store to see which one you like. The full range of Dulux colours is available online at their Colour Wall. Please remember that your screens' colour calibration will affect the result, and a hard copy of the Colour Atlas is available at our stores.


Please let me know if you need further assistance or had questions.




Paint match.png

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Having an Impact

PAINT HACK An Incredibly Easy Method That Works


Paint hack that’s so easy you will wonder why this is the first time you're seeing it.


Do you ever dip your brush into a paint tin and it goes just that little bit too far.


You know the feeling when it hits the metal and it makes the painting and cleaning so much harder.



Well here comes the bombshell solution you have been searching for.


All you have to do is drive a screw into the metal cover (preferably with a flat head on it).



When you put this screw in make sure that it is not screwed all the way in.


The below image is a good gauge and will work on most tins or pales.



Now bare with me, because here comes the crescendo.


As you can see below you have now created a hook for your brush.


You can now hook the brush onto the side of the paint tin or pale and it won’t fall in.



How simple is that!


You can find a video tutorial of this over at my Instagram - The Reno Dad @therenodad


That wraps up my first post to the Bunnings DIY community.

I’m excited to share more tips and projects in the future and connect with like

minded DIY’ers


Luke | The Reno Dad









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Re: PAINT HACK An Incredibly Easy Method That Works

Welcome to Workshop ☺️ @TheRenoDad 
I love that hack, great idea! 

Re: PAINT HACK An Incredibly Easy Method That Works

Thank you @prettyliving happy to be here and join the community to learn and bounce off like minded DIY’ers!

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Re: PAINT HACK An Incredibly Easy Method That Works

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community Luke (@TheRenoDad). It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for sharing this nifty trick.

I trust our members will appreciate this hack, as I can't be the only one that regularly soaks my paintbrush right up to the handle. 


I look forward to seeing what you've been up to around the home and garden. Please don't hesitate to reach out whenever you need assistance or have something to share.


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Home Improvement Guru

Re: PAINT HACK An Incredibly Easy Method That Works

Hi @TheRenoDad 


Certainly a quicker and easier method than Reader's Digest...



Re: PAINT HACK An Incredibly Easy Method That Works

Thank you Mitchell! ( @MitchellMc )


More than happy to share plus bounce and learn off other members in the community.


One of the best things about DIY is there is always something new to learn and add to your skill set.


Thanks again for the welcoming!


Luke | @TheRenoDad 

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Re: PAINT HACK An Incredibly Easy Method That Works

Hi Graeme @Noyade 


I also like the hack that you've shared from Reader's Digest..


Sometimes there is situations where some hacks work better than others.


Always good to learn something new.


Thanks again,


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Just Starting Out

Using paint from a new tin

I flinch when I see projects big and small, on the TV, open new tins of paint and wipe the brushes on the lip of the tin.  BIG Tip from an old painter given to me - use strips of aluminium foil and work it around the lip of a new tin BEFORE wiping the brush and filling the lip.  When you are finished peel the strip off the tin and dispose of it.  You will have a clean lip on the tin and ensure a perfect seal like new!

Also, I drill a fine hole in the brush handle to take a stiff wire and suspend the brush in turps with the tip of the brush not touching the bottom of the tin.  I do this when there is a meal break and continuing painting afterwards.  I saw a professional using enamel paints put his brush in water and just shake the water off after lunch.  He claimed the water acted as a seal.


paint pot with foil paint pot with foilsuspend brush on wire in turps.jpg

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