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What to do with leftover piece in new entrance lock installation?

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What to do with leftover piece in new entrance lock installation?



I've recently installed a replacement Gainsborough entrance set.

It was the Gainsborough Matt Black Trilock Contemporary Angular Double Cylinder Leverset.


The instructions seemed to be for a different model but were reasonably easy to interpret : frustrating though.


The entrance set seems to be working 100% but I have this part leftover.


Do I need to reinstall it with the left over piece?

If so, where does it go?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What to do with leftover piece in new entrance lock installation?

Hi @LizzyB_1996,


Thank you for your question about a part that was leftover from your Gainsborough Matt Black Trilock Contemporary Angular Double Cylinder Leverset after installation.


This is a grub screw. They are often used to attach the handle to the internal mechanism that operates the latch. 


Having had a look through the Installation Instructions for Trilock Contemporary Entrance Sets, I can't see that one is required and as the lock is operating as it should, I don't think it is worth worrying about.


I suspect it was included in the packaging by mistake.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Re: What to do with leftover piece in new entrance lock installation?

Thank you!


Overall the entrance set is an excellent product and we are very happy with how it looks and operates.


The instructions could be much better. It was like they were for an older or different model as diagrams didn't match what was in the package.


Through watching a couple of Australian locksmith videos, I could solve the issues I had.

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