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How to tile over laminate planks?

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How to tile over laminate planks?

Hi Bunnings community! 
I have existing laminate planks all over my living room, I wanted to tile over them in the area surrounding the fireplace. The planks are very straight and very solidly in place. And the area I wanted to tile is only 3-4 sq Mtrs. Can I put cement board using adhesive and screws onto the laminate and then tile over that? Also do I need special tiles as these are going by the fire place? 


cutting laminate thats already installed



Hi Bunnings community! 

what can I use to cut through this (light coloured) laminate flooring so I can remove it and lay tile in this area, without having to remove the brown timber planks next to it? See picture. Thank you for your help! :smile: 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: cutting laminate thats already installed

Hi @Nonica2605,


Thank you for your great question about removing your laminate flooring, our resident DIY expert @MitchellMc will be back online Friday and will be able to assist further at that time. In the meantime, let me tag members @RenoRach1@diy_hausdesigns, and @DIY4Knuckleheds to see if they have any advice. You can also check out this helpful video how to remove laminate flooring.


We would love to watch your project transform so please keep us updated with photos. 




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Re: cutting laminate thats already installed

G'day Nonica....check out this video where the guy is using a Multi-Tool. Looks like a pretty effective way.

Good luck 👍

Re: cutting laminate thats already installed

Hi @Nonica2605,


If the laminate boards have been installed correctly, then you should be able to lever them up and out with a wrecking bar or large flathead screwdriver.


However, if you're struggling, then a multi-tool like @DIY4Knuckleheds would suit the job.


Please let us know if you have further questions.




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Re: tiling over laminate planks

Hi @MitchellMc and @Jewelleryrescue  just wanted to come here and thank both of your for your advice. I did decide to go ahead and pull out the laminate planks. I have now affixed a fibre cement sheet over the plywood subfloor I found under the laminate. Thank you so much for guiding me! :smile: 

Re: cutting laminate thats already installed

Hi @MitchellMc and @DIY4Knuckleheds thank you so much for your help! Just wanted to provide and update incase somebody else is looking to achieve something similar. I ended up having to use a circular saw to do the job. Using the multi tool was effective but quite time consuming. I adjusted the blade of the saw to sit quite high so it wouldn’t touch or scratch the subfloor and just cleanly cut the the laminate planks and it worked super well. Was able to finish the job in an hour. :smile: 

Re: cutting laminate thats already installed

Hi @Nonica2605 


Super Great thinking and work on using the saw set shallow I use a cheapest circular saw  I could buy for such  demo work but I think you can understand how risky it is to suggest to use it as  we do not know your full set of abilities.

And thanks for listening about removing the planks I think you will sit back  and be happy they are out to give your new tiles a better sub floor.


A huge well done and may your tiles look  fantastic.

Re: cutting laminate thats already installed

Super work @Nonica2605!


Please keep us updated on your project and reach out again if you need further assistance. We're here to help.




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