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How to securely mount vintage curtain rod holders?

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How to securely mount vintage curtain rod holders?

Hi community,

We just moved house and found absolutely stunning vintage curtain rods in the garage and we would love to use them.

Trouble is attaching the rod holders to plasterboard (no studs near desired mount location) securely:



Looking at the back of the holder, it seems two slightly protruding screws are required (perhaps bad assumption) for holder to slide into and down. 

I am able to get a decent and secure screw for the bottom hole using and Note the screw is oversized for the anchor so the protruding screw is not loose. The top hole of the holder is a bit smaller and the screw head used for bottom hole is too big. Using a smaller screw has proven troublesome because unless it's screwed tightly into the anchor, it is loose and the rod holder shakes about.

What's a better way to do this? It feels like I am using inappropriate tools / methods.


Thank you in advance :smile:



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to securely mount vintage curtain rod holders

Hello @denisl 


You've nearly solved half of the puzzle, all you need is a screw that will fit the top portion but be long enough so that it bites into the wall mate. I suggest bringing the timber holder with you to the store and test the Zenith 8G x 50mm Zinc Plated Self Tapper Pan Head Screws or the Pinnacle 5 x 50mm Black Round Timber Screw - 20 Pack and see if they will fit into the timber fitting. You can also test it with the wall mate to see if it is long enough that it will anchor itself.


One other method you try is to use the Ramset Nylon WallMate Anchor that come with its own screws. There is also the Ramset Nylon WallMate Mini Anchor which is a smaller version of the WallMates that come with smaller screws.


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: How to securely mount vintage curtain rod holders?

Good Morning @denisl 

The information @EricL has given is spot on :smile:

With the fitting out of the screws, I was wondering if you used a small piece of plywood, (4mm thick? nothing super thick) With this you make a template up so you get the spacing of the screw heads perfect as you can keep practicing to get both screws to support that holder. The screws should protude through the thin ply, Once the distance is worked out you can push that against the plaster and it will give you two dots for installing the anchors in.


With your jig now sorted including how far to have the screws screwed in, Find something that is the same height as the diosatance from surface of the screw head to the plaster. Such as a pencil by the look of it. Then when you screw the screws directly you know that the sweet spot is a pencils height from the wall.


As a side note I have mounted the curtain supports on the window trim, screwing through the trim into the timber behind it. That way I have had no concerns about it getting pulled down.




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