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How to paint a plywood bookcase?



I am planning on building a bookshelf out of plywood, which needs to be 1160 high by 1365 wide, which I will also paint.


Ideally, I would use BC grade pine (https://www.bunnings.com.au/1200-x-596mm-18mm-plywood-pine-bc-grade_p0390159) however I can't get the width I need with these panels.


Do Bunnings sell 2400 sheets of BC grade pine? I could not find any online.


How would CD grade panels (https://www.bunnings.com.au/ecoply-2400-x-1200mm-19mm-plywood-pine-structural-cd-grade_p0340167) look as a bookshelf if they were painted? Or would the finish be too rough? I'd also be worried about sanding through the veneer to get a reasonable finish.


Does anyone have any suggestions?


I know there is AA marine ply, but it's expensive especially if I will paint anyway. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Hello @jarko 


I've had a quick look on the website and all I can see are BC grades in 12mm and not in the 18mm thickness/size that you're after. Have you considered joining the 1200 x 596mm 18mm Plywood Pine BC Grade together, and compromising on the width of the bookcase down to 1192mm? You do technically loose 172mm, but you get to keep the size and thickness of the plywood. My only other suggestion is to build the cabinet with mixed timber such as MDF for the back of the cabinet plywood for the sides and shelves. 


Since the books will be covering the back sheet of the bookcase, you should be able to get away with it if you wish to have a plywood profile on the sides and shelves. Another option is to cover the MDF with wallpaper in order to disguise its finish. Do you have a sketch of your bookcase plan? Would it be possible for you to share it with the community? We can then offer more recommendations on how to build the cabinet.


In regards to painting it, plywood provides a more natural surface finish and that it lets you see the timber profile of the wood even if you paint it white. My best advice is to sand it well and to use a good primer before painting it.


Let me call on our experienced members @JoeAzza, @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Hi @jarko 


@EricL has given some great solutions to consider. Depending on the design, you could conceal any joins behind a shelf if supporting vertical piece.


As an alternative product you could use Form-ply which will give you the dominions you need out of a single sheet. The ends are machine cut very cleanly so leaving the ends exposed in a clear gives a great looking finish. The smooth top and bottoms will need slight sanding and priming before painting with colour to ensure it sticks. A young friend of mine built his temporary kitchen bench tops out of this product until such time he can afford a new kitchen.


Hope this helps. Nailbag

Community Megastar

Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Morning @jarko 

That will be a nice looking bookcase!

I like @EricL 's idea as a solution but just thought of another...


You could build two bookcases that butt up to each other. I know you wont have a clean span across the distance but the good side isthe shelves will less likely want to bow. 


The only other bit of knowledge/concern I have is for a clean cut line even if sanded. Ive consided building a kicthen this way and I dont mind the cut buit depending on how you want the bookcase tto look id factor that in. You could always face the front facing cuts with trim if it was a concern.




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Hi @jarko , Just something else to take into account is the width of the bookcase, if you don’t add bracing under each shelf you will eventually get sagging from the weight of the books on the shelves.

Cultivating a Following

Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Thanks to all for the ideas/suggestions.


I ended up using CD panels for this, and would not recommend.


Lots and lots of filler and sanding (and filler and sanding), it's a shame Bunning's don't sell the thicker panels in BC (or higher).


Would probably follow the recommendation to use formply or mdf if I do something similar again (or source better quality plywood elsewhere).


Some pictures of the materials and final product are below for anyone who is interested.


The space to be filled (which is why I needed the specific dimensions):

The specific width was to fill this space The specific width was to fill this space

The materials ordered (dressed pine for top/face frame, BC panel for backing, CD panel for carcass):

The materials ordered The materials ordered

Final product front on:

Final product front on Final product front on

Final product top down:

Final product with stained pine to match wood in the room Final product with stained pine to match wood in the room

Community Megastar

Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Afternoon @jarko 

Looks good and love that bookcase top! 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Hi @jarko,


The extra work of filling and sanding has certainly paid off.


It looks great!




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

Hello @jarko 


That is a beautifully made bookshelf. The finish on the body and the top are outstanding. Can you please tell us what product you used for the cabinet top? Did you have to dilute it or did you paint it directly over the wood? Any building or finishing tips you can impart to our members would be verymuch appreciated.




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Re: How to paint a plywood bookcase?

When I've used plywood, I fill with plaster joint compound. Fills wood fibre gaps easily, dries quick  just very dusty when sanding. Then you should have a surface without any wood grain

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