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How to improve internet connectivity throughout house?

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How to improve internet connectivity throughout house?

We’re having issues with our internet service in our house at Dulwich Hill, postcode 2203. The NBN and Netcomm router/ modem model number 1951 are located on the floor  next to the wall near the door of the 2nd room. We are currently using AGL’s 100mbps plan. The 3rd and 4th rooms are located 15 metres from the NBN and router in the 2nd room. Between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th bedrooms are the lounge and kitchen areas. The internet receptions are very slow and weak, at times no signal at all. AGL has not been able to offer much support except recommending us to upgrade to their 250mbps plan. Can anyone please provide advice, suggestions/help?  Would buying a signal booster be helpful for the other 2 back rooms? Thank you, Mark

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: nbn and internet connectivity

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @keng. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about internet connectivity.


The network within your home needs to be improved so your devices can access the internet efficiently. You can either try installing wireless Wi-Fi range extenders or look at using a communication cable to transfer from the modem to an additional extender at the other end of the house. I have two routers at my house for this reason. Extenders work well, but they must be placed where the signal is relatively strong, and they'll boost that coverage further. They do not resolve the weak signal if placed in an area that already has bad coverage.


The simplest solution would be to try some range extenders and if those do not solve the issue, consider installing communication cable to the rear rooms. I do not believe increasing your plan will resolve poor Wi-Fi reception in the home.


You might like to check out this helpful guide: How to set up a cabled network


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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