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How to fix a window blind too narrow for window frame?

Growing in Experience

How to fix a window blind too narrow for window frame?



I have the problem of my roller blind being too narrow for the inner frame of the window. I read that I could address this issue by doing a top fix of the window brackets, however there is metal lintel there and i don't want to mess with that. I've also already drilled holes for the brackets to fit on the sides of the window as well. It's a recess fit and the walls are cement render.


I have discovered a product available overseas called a bracket space blocker for blinds which has the purpose of sticking the frame out further using the block so this would no longer be a problem and I'm wanting to know whether Bunnings stocks something like this?


I'm trying to find solutions so I don't have to potentially buy another blind.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Window blind too narrow for window frame.

Hi @moloko,


I’m not aware of any specific product designed exactly for this purpose, like the bracket space blocker you mentioned, but there are some practical workarounds you can consider.


If the brackets need to be spaced out further, cutting and using timber spacers could be a good solution. You could create custom spacers from timber to fit between the window frame and the blind brackets. This would allow you to push the brackets out far enough for the blind to sit correctly without needing to buy a new blind. Simply screw the spacers into place and reattach the brackets, ensuring the setup is secure.


If you can let us know how far the brackets need to come in on either side to function correctly, I can take a look at the available timber to see if something would suit.


Please le me know if you have any questions.




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