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How to fix a large hole in a brick wall?

Finding My Feet

How to fix a large hole in a brick wall?


There is a hole on the side wall of my house, previously used for a draining PVC pipe, and I would like to have it filled. The hole seems too large for normal gap filler, and the colour of concrete doesn’t match the wall. Please let me know which product would be most appropriate for this job.

Many thanks!


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a large hole in a brick wall?

Hi @Will_sy2002,


Thank you for your question about filling a hole in brick that previously had a PVC pipe running through it.


You'll need to carry out the repair in a few stages.


The first step is to fill the majority of the hole with expanding foam. As the foam expands outwards, it will wedge itself in the gap to act as a strong backing for the next layer. Make sure you leave enough depth to emulate the mortar lines, so fill the hole to around 10mm behind where the mortar lines sit. 


With the expanding foam in place, select the closest match in colour from Mortafil Cream, Limestone, Old Cream or Pale Limestone to create the shapes of the brick and then use Mortafil Ash Grey Mortar to create the mortar lines. It would be best to do this in two stages, starting with shaping the bricks and leaving a space between them for the grey mortar. Allow the cream mortar to dry and then apply the grey mortar between. 


Using a Hyde 13mm Tuck Pointing Trowel you can shape the mortar to match the surrounding bricks.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




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