Former Community Member

How to build a loft

Lofts as an after thought can be expensive and difficult to install

So I've included  a simple lightweight steel (Cold Formed Section) staircase that the average DIYer should find relatively simple & cost effective to knock up with a basic tool set

If you played with a mecanno set as a child :grin: then this is for you

A few points to consider 

  • Purlin spans are for illustration purposes only
  • All floor loft spans  to be checked by engineer
  • Stairs suitable for 1.50 KPa Live loads
  • Planning and Building applications are applicable check with your council
  • etc,etcLoft Stairs.jpg


Having an Impact

Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

having a loft in my home would be wonderful. However, who does one go to to get quotes?
Who constructs these .. builders or carpenters.
I look forward to comments and advice.
Former Community Member

Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

@BibbyKat here's a quick (M.U.C) estimate for the above based on Materials (Steel,Timber,Concrete),Units (Kg, m2,EI,etc) & Costs (Approx $7/Kg) There is approx 150kg of light gauge steel X $7kg = $1100 in materials + small extras.
DIY labour =0 cost
I've seen quotes in excess of $5000 (Ouch!) for supply material and fix similar stairs
My point is you need to have a far idea of these basic ingredients before you start to Plan, Design, Engineer & Build.
Bunnings has an excellent database of material costs...DIY what you can & $AVE!

Reply ... Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

Thank you BIM_Engineeer for your great advice. Who do I approach to give me an honest quote and a good job?  Unfortunately, I find, that single women/widows are taken advantage of.

Builder .. carpenter ??? This is a job I won't be able to tackle. Able to help yes .. but I need a lotta help!! lol.

Live in the Coffs Harbour area.
Bunnings is my favourite shop .. spent 1-1/2 hours there today.

Former Community Member

Re: Reply ... Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

@BibbyKat If you put up some photos and a rough sketch I might be able to help you get started :smile:
with preliminary details, engineering , data and general info...then you need to get the existing house surveyed , sketch drawn up properly, Quoted (I recommend 3 quotes usually) and into planning.Would love to be able to do more unfortunately Perth is a long way from Coffs harbour

Re: Reply ... Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

Thank you for your kind advice/help offer &. Your plans have awakened me .. am a visual person and can see how it works now, Thank you.
Feel somewhat excited now. Think 2017 will be a year of a BIG project. Not is too big a rush .. will seek out advice and investigate for the rest of the year.
I did think I would need an Engineer and/or Architect .. Council involved (ugh) and yes, would definitely get 3 quotes.
The steps will have to be positioned in the garage.
Yup .. Coffs is on the other side of the country .. best weather and area in Australia !! lol
Former Community Member

Re: Reply ... Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

@BibbyKat You are welcome
I'll give a loft over a garage some thought and put up some visual 3D engineering and data :smile:
Former Community Member

Re: Reply ... Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

@BIM_Engineer, I have what I hope could be a win win proposition.


I'm assuming you have a contact network of engineers throughout Australia, maybe, on your site. I'm thinking that it'd be great if engineers across Australia could provide a shortlist of recommended builders/contractors.


From my experience, finding the right tradie/builder is the hard part, but I feel that structural engineers would be in the best position to know (from experience) who's trustworthy.


I think that it could be good for everybody, & even though it won't be cheaper for the renovater, it's money well spent for peace of mind.


Also, I really appreciate that you'er now responding to individual needs/situations.


Well done.


Former Community Member

Re: Reply ... Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

@Andy_Mann I am also a contractor as well and it would be considered unethical
I am of the opinion, that is, "if client' s had the right tools (Ie.Designs, models, data.Apps) then, they would be capable of making their own informed decisions.. beit DIY projects or trade/contractor selection.." if you get my gist

Former Community Member

Re: Reply ... Re: DIY Stairs for a Loft

@BIM_Engineer, no I don't get the gist, & I don't get how an informed person, passing on reputable builders/contractors would be considered unethical.


To be clear, I hold structural engineers in high regard, & never postulated them/you getting kicks back from passing on known, reliable builders/contractors to vulnerable renovators. It's all about good faith & goodwill, not abuse, or I'm too trusting/naive?



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